日期:2013-07-16 13:22



“Get down!” Will whispered urgently. “Something’s wrong.”


Royce did not move. He looked down at the empty clearing and laughed. “Your dead men seem to have moved camp, Will.”


Will’s voice abandoned him. He groped for words that did not come. It was not possible. His eyes swept back and forth over the abandoned campsite, stopped on the axe. A huge double-bladed battle-axe, still lying where he had seen it last, untouched. A valuable weapon.


“On your feet, Will,” Ser Waymar commanded. “There’s no one here. I won’t have you hiding under a bush.”


Reluctantly, Will obeyed.


Ser Waymar looked him over with open disapproval. “I am not going back to Castle Black a failure on my first ranging. We will find these men.” He glanced around. “Up the tree. Be quick about it. Look for a fire.”


Will turned away, wordless. There was no use to argue. The wind was moving. It cut right through him. He went to the tree, a vaulting grey-green sentinel, and began to climb. Soon his hands were sticky with sap, and he was lost among the needles. Fear filled his gut like a meal he could not digest. He whispered a prayer to the nameless gods of the wood, and slipped his dirk free of its sheath. He put it between his teeth to keep both hands free for climbing. The taste of cold iron in his mouth gave him comfort.





1. on your feet 站起来

Stand on the others' feet换位思考

2. swept back 回扫描;后掠

3. gave sb. comfort 使某人安心

  • comfortn. 舒适,安逸,安慰,慰藉 vt. 安慰,使舒适
  • reluctantlyadv. 嫌恶地;不情愿地
  • prayern. 祈祷,祷告,祷文 v. 祷告,祷文
  • sapn. 半穿甲的(烧结铝粉); the liquid wi
  • axen. 斧,乐器,突然去除 vt. 用斧砍,突然去除
  • disapprovaln. 不赞成
  • stickyadj. 粘的,闷热的,困难的,令人不满意的
  • castlen. 城堡 v. 置于城堡中,(棋)移动王车易位
  • valuableadj. 贵重的,有价值的 n. (pl.)贵重物品