冰与火之歌系列之《权力的游戏》第1039期:第四十八章 丹妮莉丝(8)
日期:2017-12-31 12:18


Under a bleached white vest, he was bare-chested, skin reddened by the sun. "Talk goes from mouth to ear, all over the khalasar," he said. "It is said Khal Drogo fell from his horse."
Help him, Dany pleaded. "For the love you say you bear me, help him now."
The knight knelt beside her. He looked at Drogo long and hard, and then at Dany. "Send your maids away."
Wordlessly, her throat tight with fear, Dany made a gesture. Irri herded the other girls from the tent.
When they were alone, Sir Jorah drew his dagger. Deftly, with a delicacy surprising in such a big man, he began to scrape away the black leaves and dried blue mud from Drogo's chest. The plaster had caked hard as the mud walls of the Lamb Men, and like those walls it cracked easily. Sir Jorah broke the dry mud with his knife, pried the chunks from the flesh, peeled off the leaves one by one. A foul, sweet smell rose from the wound, so thick it almost choked her. The leaves were crusted with blood and pus, Drogo's breast black and glistening with corruption.
No, Dany whispered as tears ran down her cheeks. "No, please, gods hear me, no."
