Todd: Fascinating. Let's say you want to give up sugar, or you want to give up smoking or something like that, a physical substance. Do you have any tips for that?
托德:有意思 。比如说想戒掉糖,或是想戒烟之类的,戒掉一种物质 。对此你有什么建议吗?
Olga: Yes. One of their easiest things to do is incorporate fermented foods that break up chemical dependency on sugars, alcohol, and some other addictive substances. When I work with people who are recovering from any kind of addictions, they don't have to be substance addictions, fermented foods help a lot.
奥尔加:好 。其中一个最简单的方法是食用发酵食品,以分解对糖、酒精和其他上瘾物质的化学依赖 。不一定是物质上瘾,我在帮助那些患有各种上瘾症的人康复时,发酵食品很管用 。
Todd: Okay. Can you give some examples of fermented foods?
托德:好 。你能说明一下哪些属于发酵食品吗?
Olga: Absolutely. If you just chop up any kind of vegetable, let's say it's cabbage and carrot, so you cut it up. You massage it with salt and some spices until their juice comes out. You press it down so all the vegetables are covered with its own juice. Three days later, you have perfect fermented sauerkraut.
奥尔加:当然可以 。你可以将任何蔬菜切碎,比如说卷心菜和胡萝卜,把它们切碎 。然后放入盐和一些调料搅拌,直到它们的汁液出来 。接下来按一按,让所有蔬菜都泡在汁液里 。三天之后,你就会得到完美的发酵泡菜 。
Todd: Wow, that's great. Could you just buy sauerkraut or vinegar or something like that? Would that work?
托德:哇哦,真不错 。买的那些泡菜或醋可以吗?那有用吗?
Olga: Well, unfortunately, it wouldn't, because most of their krauts that you buy is pasteurized, which does not give you their probiotic activity. A lot of it is fake sauerkraut. What I mean by that, if there was no bacterial activity and their taste comes from vinegar, you do not get this benefit.
奥尔加:很不幸,那没用,因为市面上销售的大多数泡菜都经过了杀菌,那不能给身体提供益生菌活性 。许多泡菜是假的 。我的意思是,如果没有细菌活性,那它们的味道都来自于醋,那不能达到效果 。
Todd: Wow, that's good to know. I think though part of the problem though is even myself thinking like, "Oh, I'm not going to cut up a bunch of cabbage and carrots, and wait three days." It seems like it's too much work.
托德:哇哦,幸好知道了这些 。我认为这存在一些问题,就连我自己都认为,“哦,我不会把一推卷心菜和胡萝卜切碎,更何况还得等三天” 。那看起来工作量很大 。
Olga: Well, it might be. Maybe you can visit a friend who is doing that, or if you have access to farmer's market or some natural organic stores, they may provide something that is not pasteurized and prepared the right way.
奥尔加:嗯,可能吧 。也许你可以去拜访会这样做的朋友,或是去农贸市场或天然有机产品商店,那里可能有未经杀菌的食物,而且可以按照正确的方式制作发酵食品 。
Todd: Oh, that's a good idea. Okay, well, thanks a lot. That was some really good advice.
托德:哦,这个主意不错 。好,非常谢谢你 。这些真是非常好的建议 。
Olga: Very welcome.
奥尔加:不客气 。
1. give up 放弃;戒除;
I've been trying to give up smoking for getting on for two years now.
到现在,我设法戒烟已快两年了 。
2. break up (使)分裂;(被)拆分;(使)破碎;
Staff are also advised to stand up every 30 to 40 minutes when talking on the phone to break up the amount of time they spend sitting down.
此外,专家还建议,白领在办公室办公期间,30到40分钟一个周期,必须起立走动,分解他们“脂肪沉淀”的时间 。
3. chop up 切碎;剁碎;
While the oven is heating, chop up the tomatoes finely.
预热烤箱的同时把番茄切碎 。
4. a bunch of 大量;大批;
Previously the Internet was just a bunch of web pages, but now it's becoming a web of interconnected people.
先前的互联网只不过是一堆网络上的页面,但现在的互联网,正在变成一个由互相联系的人组成的大网 。