Wendi: Alright, so I want to talk a little bit about what people's impressions of you are when they see you're tattoos, either strangers or people that actually know you.
温迪:我想请你谈谈人们看到你的纹身时有什么感觉,可以是陌生人也可以是你认识的人的感觉 。
Rina: Some people it can be negative. Some people are interested and I have no problems with that if people are interested, and the negative feedback I get from it, it's OK. I know that these people were raised differently or they have different beliefs or ideas and I understand where they're coming from but, no, it's hard when people judge you just by face value but it's not my issue it's theirs so I'm OK with that.
丽娜:有些人持否定看法,另外一些人对此很有兴趣,对那些感兴趣的人,我当然没问题了,其实我觉得那些负面反馈也没什么 。我知道这些人在不同的背景下长大,他们有不同的信仰和观点,我理解他们的背景,不过别人仅凭表面来判断你很不舒服,但那是他们的问题,不是我的问题,所以我觉得这没什么 。
Wendi: Right. Can you talk a little bit about a negative or really positive experience has been since you've had tattoos from other people. Do you have any situations that you can think of?
温迪:好 。你能谈谈你有纹身以后经历过的负面反馈或积极反馈吗?你现在有能想到的吗?
Rina: In general I've people just give me dirty looks and not like talk to me, or I had one gentleman slap my wrist one time when I was trying to get change back. He was being quite angry with me.
丽娜:一般来说,人们不会给我好脸色,而且不和我说话,有一次我在等待找零时,有位先生打了我的手腕 。他对我很生气 。
Wendi: Really, because of your tattoo?
Rina: Because of my tattoo on my wrist. I was holding out my hand and he slapped my wrist and it's upsetting that somebody gets that angry over your own personal decisions but it's their issue not mine.
丽娜:因为我手腕上的纹身 。我当时正好把手伸了出去,然后他就打了我的手腕,其他人对你的个人决定感到生气会令人感到不快,不过这是他们的问题,不是我的问题 。
Wendi: Yeah, what about in, kind of, in the tattoo parlor, like what kind of stuff do people talk about? Like, is it just like getting your hair cut, speaking to the barber, talking about what's going on in your life or?
Rina: Pretty much, see, I'm friends with my tattoo artist so we talk about, like, we know the same people and we sometimes hang out with some of the same people so we talk about that but a lot of the times we talk about people that come in wanting stupid things on their bodies.
丽娜:差不多,我和我的纹身师是朋友,我们有共同的朋友,有时我们会和共同的朋友一起外出,所以我们会谈些生活中的事情,不过大部分时间我们都在聊那些来纹身店想在身体上纹愚蠢图案的人 。
Wendi: Can you tell me a little about what kind of stupid things people have wanted?
Rina: Um, there has been people wanting a symbol of a car brand, like the make of a car tattooed on them, or just people's names or just random. A lot of times it's kanji.
丽娜:嗯,经常有人想在身上纹汽车品牌的标志,或者是在身上纹一辆车,或者是名字,还有人对纹身的图案很随便 。许多人想在身上纹汉字 。
Wendi: Really?
Rina: Yeah. A lot of...
Wendi: Chinese characters?
Rina: Chinese characters, and some people find that when they do get those Chinese characters, after the fact, it's not initially what they thought it meant.
丽娜:对,中国汉字,一些人在纹身完成后会发现,那个汉字的含义并不是他们认为的那个意思 。
Wendi: Right, so it's communication.
温迪:对,这是交际问题 。
Rina: It's really ill-researched and no reason for it unless that's your native country.
丽娜:他们没有理解,而且也没有理由这样,除非那是你的祖国 。
Wendi: Right, can you tell me a little about what — if you've ever seen a tattoo that you thought was just so well done.
Rina: Yeah.
丽娜:有 。
Wendi: What was it and describe it?
Rina: It was actually a piece on a man and it started from his hip and it was his whole right side of his body, half of his right side and it was flowers and vines and it went around and up to his shoulder and turned into a half-sleeve and it was absolutely beautiful, colorful and just well done. The lines were clean. It was an amazing tattoo.
丽娜:那是一个男人身上的纹身图案,纹身从臀部开始覆盖了他身体的右半身,准确地说是延伸至右边上半身,由花朵和藤蔓组成的纹身图案一直旋转至肩部,成为半臂纹身,那个图案太漂亮了,色彩也很丰富,完成的非常出色 。纹身的线条也很清晰,是件非常精彩的纹身作品 。
1. because of 因为;由于;
例句:The play was taken off because of severe criticism.
由于遭到严厉批评,该剧停演了 。
2. in general 总的来说;总体上来看;大体上;
例句:Minerals in general are not nearly so well absorbed as other nutrients.
总体来说,矿物质远远不如其他营养成分好吸收 。
3. hold out 伸出(手等);递出;
例句:'I'm Nancy Drew,' she said, holding out her hand.
“我是南希·德鲁,”她伸出手来说 。
4. well done 做得好;
例句:Children at school receive coloured stars for work well done.
学校里的孩子表现得好会得到彩色星星 。
5. turn into (使)变成;(使)成为;
例句:Long-time blankness will turn into blindness.
茫然得太久就成了盲目 。