Marion: So you lived in Dublin for awhile, didn't you Mauve? What's life like in Dublin?
Mauve: I think life in Dublin is very different from everywhere else in the country. It's the biggest city in Ireland. It's got a population of about a million I think, even though the population of Ireland is only 4 million, so most people...
莫夫:我认为都柏林的生活与爱尔兰其他地方的生活非常不同 。都柏林是爱尔兰最大的城市 。拥有1百万人口,而爱尔兰的人口才4百万,所以大部分人……
Marion: So it's a quarter of the whole population.
玛丽恩:所以都柏林的人口占到全国人口的四分之一 。
Mauve: Exactly. It's a very young population, I think, the Dublin population, I suppose like all cities there's plenty to do, in terms of cinemas, theatres, I don't know, you know whatever else, comedy club and all that kind of, plenty of night clubs, loads of restaurants. It's very international now, at the moment I suppose, like there's Japanese restaurants, and well there's always Indian and Chinese, and there's like, I don't know, French and Spanish, and every type of restaurant.
莫夫:没错 。我认为都柏林的人口非常年轻化,就像所有城市一样,那里有许多可以做的事情,有电影院,剧院,还有什么,哦,还有喜剧俱乐部,诸如此类的地方,当然也有许多夜店和餐厅 。爱尔兰现在非常国际化,因为那里有日本餐厅,印度餐厅,中国餐厅,当然也有法国餐厅和西班牙餐厅,各种类型的餐厅 。
Marion: So it's kind of a cosmopolitan city.
玛丽恩:就像国际大都市一样 。
Mauve: Yeah, exactly.
莫夫:对,没错 。
Marion: Or big by Irish standards, I suppose. Yeah, it's probably like a village for other people.
玛丽恩:可能以爱尔兰的标准来看算大都市 。也许其他人会认为那里像乡村 。
Mauve: I know. Even though when I went to New York then, in June, it wasn't such a culture shock, cause even though, there are high rise buildings and every thing but it wasn't that different though. You know, I think that Dublin has come on a lot and it's by no means rural anymore, you know, in comparison to other cities in Ireland, like Cork and Gaul, we're very rural, but, I don't think Dublin is.
莫夫:我知道 。我六月份去了纽约,那时我并没有遭遇文化冲击,那里有高楼大厦,不过与都柏林并没有太大的不同 。你知道,我认为都柏林取得了很大的进步,再也没有乡村的面貌了,你知道,与爱尔兰的乡村科克和高尔相比,都柏林并不是乡村 。
Marion: Yeah, I think Dublin is like an international city, and it can stand on it's own.
玛丽恩:对,我想都柏林就像一个国际化城市,可以独立存在 。
Mauve: Definitely, yeah, you can compare to London or, you know, New York.
莫夫:完全正确,你可以拿它和伦敦,甚至是纽约相比 。
Marion: And the standard of, like the cost of living, is very high in Dublin, though, isn't it.
Mauve: Yeah, it is. Rents are much higher there. It's more expensive to eat out and I suppose to do everything really. You need a good salary to live in Dublin I think.
莫夫:对,的确是这样 。租金非常贵 。而且外出吃饭的花销也很大,我想那里的所有事情都很贵 。要在都柏林生活你要有高收入 。
Marion: Yeah, yeah!
Mauve: Big bucks!
1. come on
eg. His French has come on a lot since he joined the conversation class.
他自从参加了会话班,法语取得了很大进步 。
eg. Lee is coming on very well now and it's a matter of deciding how to fit him into the team...
李现在进步很大,问题是如何在队里给他找一个合适的位置 。
2. by no means
eg. This is by no means out of the ordinary.
这丝毫不足为奇 。
eg. The problem is by no means as simple as we first thought.
问题决不像我们当初想象的那么单纯 。
eg. The inquiry is by no means cut and dried.
调查之事远未盖棺定论 。
3. in comparison to
eg. Women have come a long way in terms of the freedoms they enjoy in comparison to times past.
对比过去,享受到自由,女性已经走了很长的道路 。
eg. But this temporary confidence is nothing in comparison to the confidence one can obtain by excelling in sports, academics, or a hobby.
但这些短暂的自信,无法与从运动、学业优异和兴趣当中获得的自信相提并论 。