Nitiya: OK, can I ask you something? What do you think about Bush?
Todd: What do I think about Bush?
Nitiya: Yeah.
妮提亚:对 。
Todd: Well, I didn't vote for him. (OK) I didn't vote for him in the last two elections. He, in my opinion, is too conservative. I'm from a part of America, San Francisco, we're a lot liberal in our thinking, and I think Bush lost my city 85 to 15 (%), so I'm not a big fan of President Bush. I believe in democracy, and I believe in the system, but it's not easy when the person who gets in office is not the person you want to be there. It's very frustrating.
托德:选举时我并没有投票给他 。(好)最后两次选举我没有投票给他 。在我看来,他太过于保守了 。我来自美国旧金山,我们那里的人们思维非常自由,我认为布什在我们城市丢掉了15%的选票,我不是很支持布什总统 。我相信民主,相信民主体系,看着一个你不希望执政的人当选总统并不好受,令人沮丧 。
Nitiya: OK, OK, what I actually meant to ask is, the Iraq war, and things like that, Iraq war not only affected Iraq, it affected a lot of those military army people of America (right) their wives and children back home. They don't know if their father is going to come back or not (right) I mean not only affected total Iraq it was a very bad affect on America, too. I mean people, who ever loved America, there are so many people now who have a so bad image of America because of one, this, and I consider it a very, very insensitive action of Bush, so what do you think about that?
妮提亚:好,实际上我想问的是伊拉克战争,伊拉克战争并不仅仅给伊拉克造成了影响,同样也影响了那些在美国服役的军人(对),还有那些军人的妻子和孩子 。孩子们不知道他们的爸爸还能否回家(对),我是说不仅仅是整个伊拉克受到了影响,美国同样也受到了不良影响 。对那些曾经喜欢美国的人来说,现在他们中很多人都对美国产生了不好的印象,我认为其中一个原因是这是布什采取的漠不关心的行动,你怎么看待这件事?
Todd: Well, I pretty much agree with everything you said. It's tough. I mean, I don't, obviously you don't, I wasn't for having Saddam Hussein remain in power, or, but it bothers me that my country is doing actions where children can die, or babies can die, or even soldiers can die.
托德:我十分同意你刚说的所有观点 。非常艰难,显然……我并不支持让萨达姆·侯塞因继续执政,但是令我不安的是我的国家采取的行动让孩子们甚至是婴儿死亡,而且同样造成了士兵的牺牲 。
Nitiya: I mean Saddam Hussein is in power or not, why is Bush interfering in that? He can mind his own business, right? I mean, I just feel sometimes, when Bush sleeps in the night, doesn't he feel some sensitivity or guilty to even one person that, when you see that those bombs, those small kids dying, and you know, whole bloodshed, how can even he sleep, with peace. I just sometimes wonder.
妮提亚:不管萨达姆·侯塞因是否执政,布什为什么要干预这件事?他专注自己的国家就好,不是吗?到处都是炸弹,小孩濒临死亡,到处都是流血事件,我在想,布什晚上睡觉时不会有愧疚感吗?他怎么能平静地睡觉呢?我有时会这么想 。
Todd: No, and actually that's one, that's one criticism that he, that people even have in America, a lot of people in America have of him is that he, does he know, does he really feel the pain that people are dying, children are dying, and yeah, it's a tragic situation, and...
Nitiya: And I think, there is one thing, I really feel that, there is always two parts of this whole story, I mean, we are seeing it with our civilian eyes, but the truth, none of us know. It's all politics. I mean, Saddam knows and Bush knows and we know nothing, it's like that.
妮提亚:还有一件事,整个事件中一直存在着两个部分 。我们是以普通民众的角度来看待这件事,可是我们都不知道事实真相 。这是政治问题 。萨达姆知道真相,布什知道真相,可是我们什么都不知道 。
Todd: Well, I agree 100% with that.
托德:对,我完全同意这个观点 。
1. in office
eg. Which political party is in office in your country?
eg. It was alleged that he had taken bribes while in office.
他被指称在任时收受贿赂 。
2. agree with
eg. Broadly speaking, I agree with you.
我大体上同意你的意见 。
eg. No, I'm sorry, I can't agree with you.
不,很抱歉,我不同意你的看法 。
3. in power
eg. The Conservative Party is now in power.
现在由保守党执政 。
eg. Taylor remained in power for six years.
泰勒执政六年了 。
4. interfere in
eg. He does not want to interfere in the internal affairs of another country.
他不想干涉别国内政 。
eg. I dislike my mother's interfering in the affair.
我不喜欢母亲介入这件事 。
5. mind one's own business
eg. I asked Laura what was wrong and she told me to mind my own business.
我问劳拉发生了什么事,她让我少管闲事 。
eg. I wish you would mind your own business, and not poke your nose into my affairs.
我希望你还是管管你自己的事,别干涉我的事情 。