Todd: Hey, so, Greg, growing up in the states, did you have any part-time jobs like in high school and stuff?
Greg: Oh, I've had part-time jobs ever since I was a child.
格雷格:哦,我从小就一直在打工 。
Todd: Right, me too.
托德:我也是 。
Greg: My first actually, I used to work for the American Seed Company. Do you know that?
格雷格:我打的第一份工是在美国种子公司工作 。你知道这家公司吗?
Todd: I can imagine. No. I mean it's just a seed company, right.
托德:我可以想象 。我想那就是一家种子公司 。
Greg: Yeah. Yeah. Well, I actually wasn't paid in money. They would send me flower seeds, and vegetable seeds and then I would go door-to-door, I would knock on people's doors, "Excuse me, I'm with the American Seed Company, would you like to buy some seeds?", and people would see this, I was probably ten or nine at the time, this young kid trying to sell seeds, and you know they would buy a couple packs, and if I sold, say twenty packs of seeds, then I could choose from a list of toys or things (Whoa) soccer ball, or a dart board, and so I sold a lot of seeds. I liked it.
格雷格:对,是的 。实际上他们并不付我工钱 。他们会给我鲜花种子还有蔬菜种子,然后我要拿着这些种子挨家挨户去推销,我会去敲人们的房门,然后说:“打扰一下,我是美国种子公司的员工,您想买些种子吗?”当时人们看到的是一个九、十岁左右的男孩努力地卖种子,你知道通常他们都会买几包种子,举个例子,如果我卖了20包种子,那我就可以从玩具清单中选择我喜欢的玩具,像足球或是飞镖盘之类的,所以我卖了很多种子,我喜欢这份工作 。
Todd: How old were you?
Greg: I was maybe nine or ten then. (Really) and another thing I would do, around Christmas time, you know America is the tradition of putting mistletoe up on the roof for Christmas, well I would climb trees, cut the mistletoe and then again I would walk door-to-door and say, "Would you like to buy some mistletoe?"
格雷格:我大概九岁或十岁 。(真的吗)你知道圣诞节的时候美国的传统是把槲寄生放在屋顶,所以圣诞节的时候我会爬到树上去剪槲寄生,然后挨家挨户去问:“您想买槲寄生吗?”
Todd: You were quite the entrepreneur. The young businessman. (Yes) Did you make a lot of money with that job?
托德:你太有商业头脑了 。年轻的企业家 。(嗯)那份工作挣到了很多钱吗?
Greg: For me it felt like a lot of money at that time.
格雷格:当时对我来说那是很大一笔钱了 。
Todd: Right, well, I got to ask, did you ever work at a fast-food company, like McDonalds or Wendy's?
Greg: I've never worked at a fast-food company.
格雷格:我从来没在快餐公司打过工 。
Todd: Oh, I did. It's the worst job ever. It's terrible.
托德:哦,我干过 。那是最糟糕的一份工作 。非常糟糕 。
Greg: Did you get to eat free food though?
Todd: Ah, I did, actually, that was the big allure of the job, like I won't say the name of the company, but I worked for a major, major fast food chain around the world, and I thought, oh, I can eat all the hamburgers I want.
托德:对,可以,这是那份工作最诱人的地方,我就不说我打工的那家快餐店的名字了,我曾在世界上一家主要快餐连锁店工作过,当时我想我可以吃到所有的汉堡了 。
Greg: You probably got sick of eating hamburgers.
格雷格:你可能会吃腻汉堡的 。
Todd: No, are you kidding, I was 15, I didn't care like the more hamburgers the better, and uh, then actually I lost the job because I lied about my age and they fired me, but yeah, I wanted a job, I was like 13 or 14 or something like that. So how about, did you ever do the paperboy job?
托德:你开玩笑吧,当时我15岁,我并不认为汉堡越多越好,之后我丢掉了那份工作,因为他们发现我谎报了年龄所以他们开除了我,当时我好像13岁还是14岁,我只是想要一份工作 。你有送过报纸吗?
Greg: Yes. Yes. For a couple of years I delivered newspapers in the morning.
格雷格:有,送过 。有几年的时间,我每天早上都去送报纸 。
Todd: Right. How early did you have to get up to deliver the papers?
托德:好 。你送报纸的时候几点起床?
Greg: I don't remember, maybe around 6 o'clock. (Right) It's amazing I did that cause I hate waking up early now.
格雷格:我记不清了,大约6点左右吧 。(好) 。我做这份工作有点令人吃惊,因为我讨厌早起 。
Todd: Right, yeah, yeah. That job's the worst just cause of the weather, like you have to do it in the rain. I was the paperboy too, and in the rain, it's just awful. You have the big plastic bags and, and you're out there throwing the papers, and yeah, it's not a fun job.
托德:好,好的 。在天气不好的时候,比如下雨天还要送报纸的时候,这份工作非常糟糕 。我也送过报纸,下雨天的时候真的很糟 。你要套着大塑料袋去送报纸,那并不是一份有意思的工作 。
Greg: Yeah, and sometimes dogs chase you.
格雷格:对,而且有时还会有狗追你 。
1. go door to door
例句:On that night, children dress up and go door to door asking for treats or playing tricks.
在那天晚上,装扮好了的孩子们会挨家挨户地敲门,他们向主人要求款待,要不就会捣蛋 。
2. knock on
例句:I duly knocked on his door at three o'clock.
我准时在三点钟敲了他的门 。
3. the more...the more
例句:The higher we climbed, the more awe-inspiring the scenery became.
我们爬得越高,风景越是让人叹绝 。
4. get sick of
例句: I get sick of hearing that music all the time.
我对整天听那音乐感到厌烦 。