Todd: OK, Hello!
Raphael: Hello!
Todd: Can you say your name please?
Raphael: Yeah, sure. My name is Raphael Thibault.
拉斐尔:当然好啊 。我叫拉斐尔·蒂博特 。
Todd: Thibault!
Raphael: Yeah! Thibault!
Todd: OK, and that's your last name?
Raphael: Ah, yeah, it's my last name, but it's a first name too in France.
拉斐尔:对,是我的姓,不过这在法语里也是名字 。
Todd: Oh, really
Raphael: Yeah! It's quite traditional. It's from the middle ages.
拉斐尔:对!这是很传统的名字 。来自中世纪 。
Todd: OK.
托德:好 。
Raphael: Yeah, yeah, yeah!
Todd: Wow, Where are you from in France?
Raphael: I just finished my studies in Paris, but I was born in the South. Actually, it's the place they make foie gras. If you know about foie gras.
拉斐尔:我刚刚在巴黎完成了学业,不过我是在南部出生的 。实际上,那是生产鹅肝酱的地方 。如果你知道鹅肝酱的话 。
Todd: Yeah, yeah, yeah
托德:当然,当然知道 。
Raphael: We used to eat on Christmas and..
Todd: What exactly is foie gras? Sorry, it's hard for me to say.
托德:确切的说什么是鹅肝酱?抱歉,这对我来说有点难 。
Raphael: It's from the duck. It's um, how do you call it?
拉斐尔:是鹅身上的 。嗯,你们怎么叫?
Todd: The liver?
Raphael: Yeah, the liver! That's it. The liver, and it's cooked an official way and you can have it both like cold or hot, I mean, any kind, but the point is, the duck has to be fed in nature, right! It's not working if it's in a, industrial feeding duck
拉斐尔:对,鹅肝酱!就是这个 。鹅肝酱,是以正式方式烹饪的,可以冷制,也可以温热吃,我的意思是,可以以各种方式做,不过重点是鹅必须要以自然方式喂养,没错!如果是以工业方式喂养的鹅,那是不行的 。
Todd: Oh, really!
Raphael: It doesn't produce really good foie gras, yeah!
Todd: So the duck must come from nature?
Raphael: Yeah, actually, that's why this place is famous for because it's countryside. There's no really big cities and most of the people are farmers so they actually produce some really good foie gras, like I heard the competition comes from East Europe now but they make more like industrial foie gras. It's a little different, but anyway, that's the place I'm born.
拉斐尔:对,实际上,这就是这个地方著名的原因,因为它是乡村 。那里没有大的城市,大部分人都是农民,所以他们会生产出真正好的鹅肝酱,我听说现在东欧的竞争对手很强,但是他们大多数都是用工业方式生产鹅肝酱 。这是有些不同的,不过不管怎样,那是我出生的地方 。
Todd: Wow! Is that the eastern side or the western side?
Raphael: It's the southwest.
拉斐尔:位于西南部 。
Todd: OK, towards Spain.
托德:好,离西班牙很近 。
Raphael: Yeah, that's it. Exactly! Like below Bordeaux, a city called Bordeaux, it's a bit below this city.
拉斐尔:对,就是这样 。的确是!就在波尔多市的南部,在这个城市南部 。
Todd: OK, so Bordeaux is known for wine.
托德:好,波尔多以葡萄酒闻名 。
Raphael: Yeah, yeah, exactly.
Todd: So, is it near the mountains or?
Raphael: It's not that close to Spain. It's, how can I say, yeah, it's not the extremity of France, it's more like center-south, you know.
拉斐尔:那里离西班牙不是很近 。我要怎么说呢,那并不是法国的南端,更像是中南部,你知道的 。
Todd: Oh, OK. Sounds like a pretty place though.
托德:哦,好,听起来是一个很漂亮的地方 。
Raphael: What?
Todd: It sounds like a pretty place.
托德:听起来像是一个很漂亮的地方 。
Raphael: Yeah, yeah, it's quite nice. It's quite nice. I mean, it's countryside right. You have to like it. There's not a lot of things to do, but, I spend like my, from fifteen years old, I live there and then I moved to another city called La Rochelle, which is close to the sea, just in front of the sea actually, and that's a better place. I like it much.
拉斐尔:对,对,确实很棒 。确实很好 。我的意思是,那里是乡村 。你一定会喜欢那里的 。虽然没有什么可以做的事情,我从15岁开始住在那里,之后我搬到了名为拉罗谢尔的城市,那里离大海很近,实际上就面向大海,那里更好 。我非常喜欢那里 。
1. middle ages
eg. The death of King Richard III in1485 rang down the curtain on the Middle Ages.
1485年理查德三世国王的去世标志着中世纪的结束 。
eg. In the Middle Ages, philosophy and theology were inextricable.
在中世纪,哲学与神学是不分的 。
2. used to do sth.
eg. I used to live in London.
我曾经在伦敦居住过 。
eg. Moslem women used to veil their faces before going into public.
信奉伊斯兰教的妇女出门之前往往用面纱把脸遮起来 。
3. be famous for
eg. Switzerland is famous for its watchmaking and beautiful scenery.
瑞士以制表业和美丽的风景而闻名 。
eg. David is famous for his billiards technic.
大卫因他的台球技术而出名 。
4. be known for
eg. She was known for the quickness of her wit.
她以头脑灵活见称 。
eg. It is known for its handicraft products.
这地方因出产手工艺品而闻名 。