Kara: So, Lupe, being bilingual you have a lot more choices than say I do with things like movies, music, books. When you go to the store and buy a book, do you normally buy it in English or do you buy it in Spanish or does it just depend on the book?
卡拉:卢佩,你会说两种语言,所以在电影、音乐和书籍上,你比我有更多的选择 。你去书店买书时一般是买英语书籍还是西班牙书籍,还是取决于书籍?
Lupe: I think it depends not only on the book: it depends on the mood. You know there are times when I really feel that I'm forgetting certain things if I'm not speaking enough Spanish or practicing it, so therefore I'll decide to go and buy a Spanish book so I can keep up on that, but you know, there's times when I just really want to read a really good book and sometimes the translations are not exact so if I know the book was originally written in English, I'll buy it in English just because I want the real thing.
卢佩:我觉得不仅仅是取决于书籍,也要看心情 。如果我有一段时间没怎么说西班牙或是我练习的不够,那我会感觉我忘了一些事情,所以我就会去买本西班牙语书,帮助我巩固西班牙语,我也有特别想看一本好书的时候,有时译本并不是那么准确,如果我确定那本书是用英语写的,那我就会买英文版,因为我想看到最原汁原叶的内容 。
Kara: Now, as far as music goes do you listen to both English and Spanish? Do you have a preference, and what is your favorite type of music?
Lupe: OK, so when it comes to music, my favorite singer in Spanish is Luis Miguel. I listen to him all the time. I love his music and in English my favorite singer in Mariah Carey so I listen to her all the time, and even though they're different types of genres they're still, you know, both my favorite types of music of the singer and he just happens to sing in Spanish. I love his voice. She happens to sing in English. I love her voice, but I can listen to all types of music in English and in Spanish. Sometimes, I'm in the mood for Spanish music if I'm going out to maybe a Mexican dance where I'll be listening to more Spanish music and there's times when I go out with my other friends and I know we're going to be dancing to English music so get in the mood, I'll put on English CD's.
卢佩:音乐方面,我最喜欢的西班牙语歌手是路易斯·马吉尔 。我经常听他的歌 。我喜欢他的音乐,英语歌手我最喜欢玛丽亚·凯莉,我也经常听她的歌,虽然他们演唱的类型不同,但是他们是我最喜欢的歌手,而且刚巧马吉尔是用西班牙语演唱 。我非常喜欢他的声音 。凯莉是用英语演唱,我也很喜欢她的声音,不过基本上各种类型的英语歌和西班牙语歌我都会听 。如果我去跳墨西哥舞蹈,那我会想多听些西班牙语歌曲,所以我就会多听些西班牙语音乐,有时我和朋友们出去,我知道我们跳舞时会搭配英语歌曲,那为了找感觉我就会放英语歌曲来听 。
Kara: And movies. There's not a lot of Spanish movies that play in the United States, but when one does come out every once in awhile, they'll have them at the theaters, do you like to go watch them, or do you just prefer the normal movies that come out here?
卡拉:现在来说电影 。在美国放的西班牙语电影不太多,不过偶尔会有西班牙语电影在电影院上映,你是喜欢去电影院看西班牙语电影,还是喜欢这里放映的电影?
Lupe: I really enjoy going to the movies, and you're right, Spanish movies don't come out very often, so when they do I get really, really excited that they're actually gonna have something in my primary language so I definitely go and watch the movies and you know, I'm very happy and proud that there's finally a Spanish one coming out and that they're showing it in this country even though it's in Spanish and they normally just use subtitles, so yeah, when they do I'm definitely one of the first people there to watch them.
卢佩:我非常喜欢去电影院看电影,你说的没错,西班牙语电影在美国上映的机会不多,所以如果有西班牙语电影上映,那我会非常非常激动,因为用我的母语拍摄的电影上映了,所以我一定会去电影院看,我会既高兴又自豪,因为终于有西班牙语电影要在这个国家上映了,虽然对白是西班牙语下面会有字幕,但是如果有西班牙语电影上映那我一定是第一批冲去电影院观看的人 。
1. depend on 取决(于);有赖(于);
例句:It woulddepend onthe circumstances.
这要视情况而定 。
2. keep up 跟上;不落后;
例句:He drove off too fast for me tokeep up.
他的车开得太快了;我赶不上 。
3. when it comes to 谈到;涉及;
例句:I am no match for herwhen it comes tolanguage.
在语言能力方面我根本不是她的对手 。
4. come out (书或光盘)出版,发行;
例句:To our joy, our favourite film willcome outsoon.
让我们高兴的是,我们最爱看的电影很快要上映了 。
5. every once in awhile 偶尔;间或;
例句:Earrings need to be taken out and cleanedevery once in awhile.
耳环要偶尔取出来清洗一下 。
6. even though 即使;尽管;纵然;
例句:I smelled a rateven thougheverything looked fine.
虽然一切看来正常,但我仍然怀疑 。