Chugi: Hi, Mike, how are you doing?
Mike: Hey, Chugi, I'm good.
迈克:嗨,初吉,我很好 。
Chugi: I'm so glad we're doned with classes.
初吉:我们的课都结束了,我真高兴 。
Mike: Yeah, me too.
迈克:对,我也是 。
Chugi: What are you doing for the summer vacation?
Mike: Right now, I have no plans.
迈克:目前我还没有计划 。
Chugi: Well, I am planning to go home to Mongolia. You should come with me.
初吉:我计划回蒙古 。你和我一起吧 。
Mike: Really? Mongolia?
Chugi: Yeah, summer time. It's very nice. We have a very nice holiday called Nadam and during the Nadam we have three days festival.
初吉:对,那里夏天非常棒 。我们有那达慕节这个很棒的节日,这是一个为期三天的节日 。
Mike: Really. I've always wanted to go to Mongolia. That sounds like a good time to go.
迈克:真的吗?我一直想去蒙古看看 。听起来现在正是最佳时节 。
Chugi: Yes, it is. Nadam is in July. And then it's for three days, from July 11th to July 13th and it's happening all over the country. You can experience anywhere in Mongolia. And during the Nadam festival we have wrestling, archery and horse races.
初吉:对,没错 。那达慕节在七月举行 。从7月11日至13日为期三天,整个蒙古都会举行各种庆祝活动 。你在蒙古任何地方都可以体验 。在那达慕节期间,我们会进行摔跤比赛、射箭比赛和赛马 。
Mike: Really. Wresting, Archery, and horse-racing.
迈克:真的吗?摔跤、射箭和赛马 。
Chugi: Yes, and you can get to see all of them in one place.
初吉:对,这些你都可以在一个地方看到 。
Mike: Really, can I ride horses?
Chugi: Yes, you can right next to the place where they horse-race, people are offering horses for other people to ride, and they just charge a little bit of money.
初吉:可以,赛马比赛旁边就有供其他人骑的马,他们会收点儿钱 。
Mike: Really.
Chugi: Yes.
初吉:对 。
Mike: And wrestling? That sounds interesting.
迈克:还有摔跤?那听起来很有趣 。
Chugi: Yes, wrestling is held just a few kilometers away from the horse racing in the biggest stadium and it's for like two days. I mean, if I were you, I would go to the second day and see them. It's very nice.
初吉:对,摔跤会在距离赛马场几公里以外的大体育场里举行,摔跤比赛会持续两天 。如果我是你,我会第二天去看,那非常不错 。
Mike: And the archery? What kind of archery is it?
Chugi: It's more like the traditional kind of archery. You just hit the target, and just as many targets as you hit, that's the better, and even in archery they have female and male together. It's not separated, so that's a very unique thing.
初吉:更像是传统射箭比赛 。就是要射中目标,射中的次数越多越好,射箭比赛是男女混合参赛的,不单独分开进行,这很特别 。
Mike: Oh, sounds interesting. And how long is the horse race?
迈克:哦,听起来很有意思 。赛马比赛的距离有多远?
Chugi: The horse race? It's actually very different than other places. The horse race there is six different kinds of horse races, depending on the differerent ages of the horses.
初吉:赛马?和其他地方很不同 。一共有六种赛马比赛,按马匹的年龄划分 。
Mike: Oh, really?.
Chugi: And the distances are different because of the ages as well. For example, the youngest horse would run for thirty kilometers, but the oldest horses would run for forty kilometers.
初吉:马匹的年龄不同,所以比赛的距离也不同 。比如,最小的马匹比赛的距离为30公里,而年龄最大的赛马比赛距离为40公里 。
Mike: Oh, really.
Chugi: Yes.
初吉:对 。
Mike: Very interesting.
迈克:真有意思 。
Chugi: Yes, I think you should come with me and experience the big festival in Mongolia.
初吉:嗯,我认为你应该和我一起去体验蒙古的盛大节日 。
Mike: Well, this sounds like a good plan.
迈克:嗯,这听起来是个不错的计划 。
Chugi: Yes, it is.
初吉:没错 。
1. all over 到处;遍及;
例句:The news went around like fire. Within half an hour it was all over the town.
消息不胫而走,不到半个钟头就传遍了全镇 。
2. next to 紧靠…旁边;在…近旁;贴近;
例句:Our classroom is right next to theirs.
我们的教室正挨着他们的教室 。
3. depend on 取决(于);有赖(于);
例句:Whether we are out depend on the weather.
我们明天是否外出取决于天气 。
4. for example 例如;比如;
例句:For example, I never caught a cold those days.
比如说,这些日子以来我一次也没感冒过 。