Todd: So, I'm here with Dan, and Dan lives in Bali, Indonesia where he runs his business operations. And we're going to talk about good cities to do business. So Dan what are your favorite cities or cities that do you think would be a good place to start up an international business?
托德:今天我们请到了丹,丹生活在印度尼西亚巴厘岛,他在那里运营生意 。现在我们来谈谈适合做生意的城市 。丹,你最喜欢哪些城市,或者说你认为哪些城市适合开创国际企业?
Dan: Well, it really depends what kind of business you're doing, I suppose. If you are an English speaker and you like to hire other English speakers, the Philippines is a famous place for going to hire English speakers. A good city to do that would be like Cebu City in the south of the Philippines, or Davao in the south of the Philippines. You can also look at Manila but it's not such a nice city, and the workers are a little bit more expensive there. If you're looking for lifestyle like a great lifestyle, maybe you're not hiring so much or doing financial things but it's just on your laptop, say, Bangkok is a great place. Some of the best food in the entire world, you've got great night life, and you can travel anywhere from Bangkok. Bali obviously is a great place, if you're not such a city person and you like a more relax environment but it's still very developed. I mean, you can eat a hundred different nationality of food, walk down the street and you can get food from all around the world, whereas if you want something a little bit more of an adventure and secluded, sort of off the beaten track, you could select Nha Trang in South Central Vietnam.
丹:我认为这要取决于你想做哪种生意 。如果你的母语是英语,你也想雇佣会讲英语的雇员,那菲律宾是个不错的选择,你可以在那里雇佣到会讲英语的人 。菲律宾适合开创企业的城市有位于菲律宾南部的宿雾市和达沃市 。你也可以考虑马尼拉,不过马尼拉不是太好的选择,而且在那里办公司的话,付给工人的工资要略高一些 。如果你追求生活方式,希望拥有舒适的生活方式,可以不雇佣太多员工或是从事金融行业,可以利用笔记本电脑完成工作,那曼谷是个不错的选择 。曼谷拥有世界上最棒的美食,还有很不错的夜生活,从曼谷可以去任何地方 。当然,如果你不追求城市的生活方式,希望在更放松的环境中生活,那巴厘岛是个很棒的地方,不过巴厘岛也是十分发达的地区 。在这里你可以享用到100个国家的食物,在街上可以享用到世界各地的美食,但是如果你希望去更冒险更清静的地方,去那些人烟稀少的地方,那你可以选择越南中南部地区的芽庄 。
Todd: Now, you have connections in China, could you recommend any places in China?
Dan: Well, unfortunately for me in China is that a lot of my travel there has been super business focused. And I'm always going to the place where there's the factory or the bank or the connection. And so I haven't really gotten a great chance to explore places that you might go for lifestyle. But off the top of my head, there's two places that stick out. One is Shanghai. And really to me—you know, I've been to a lot of big cities, but Shanghai is a whole another level of big. It's like the movie Blade Runner mixed with the movie The Matrix. I mean, it is so futuristic and I just—it really blew me away to be in the city. And it also has hints of Europe. I mean, Shanghai is famous for being famous in the 1920s and '30s with ex-patriots coming there, and it's very international. And it really does have sort of a charm that a lot of places in China lack because cities in China are so new; a 10 million person city just sort of pops up overnight. Another place that sticks out for me is Shaman, and that's close to Taipei and it's one of the nicer big cities in China. There's a lot of more nature-oriented green park stuff like that. So those would be the two places, but especially Shanghai, I feel like I could live there for a few years.
丹:对我来说不幸的是,我去中国基本上都是谈生意 。我去的地方是工厂、银行或者有业务关系的公司 。实际上我还没有机会去探索适合生活的地方 。不过我脑海中马上出现了两个地方 。其中一个是上海 。我去过很多大城市,但是上海是另一种级别的大城市 。那里就像是把《刀锋战士》和《黑客帝国》的情景混合在一起 。上海这座城市的未来感非常强,这令我印象深刻 。而且上海有很多欧洲的影子 。在上世纪20年代和30年代,有很多移居海外的人前往上海,所以上海非常国际化 。这座城市的确有很多中国其他城市所欠缺的魅力,因为中国许多城市都是新建城市,一座有1000万人口的城市可能很快就会建立起来 。我想到的另一个城市是厦门,厦门离台北很近,是中国其中一座美丽的大城市 。厦门有很多自然的绿色公园 。这两座城市是我可以生活几年的城市,而我更喜欢上海一些 。
1. off the beaten track 偏僻的;人迹罕至的;荒无人烟的;
例句:Tiny secluded beaches can be found off the beaten track.
在人迹罕至的地方可以找到一些隐蔽的小海滩 。
2. off the top of one's head 不加思索地;来不及思索地;
例句:It was the best I could think of off the top of my head.
这是我一时所能想到的最好的办法 。
3. stick out 显眼;显得突出;
例句:The things that stuck out were his cockiness and his four-letter words.
与众不同之处在于他的骄傲自大和满嘴脏话 。
4. blow away 使印象深刻;
例句:I was blown away by the tone and the quality of the story.
这个故事的基调和内容打动了我 。
5. pop up 突然出现;不意冒出;
例句:He seems to pop up in the most unlikely places.
在他似乎绝不可能到的地方,他往往就在那里出现 。