Todd: Anili, have you always been an English teacher?
Anili: No, actually, I started out as a French teacher. That was my first job.
不完全是,最开始是一名法语老师 。这是我的第一份工作 。
Todd: Wow! So tell me about your first job!
Anili: My first job! I was working in Central West Queensland in Australia so it was a remote place.
我的第一份工作!我在澳大利亚昆士兰中西部,一个偏远的地方工作 。
Todd: Sure.
是的 。
Anili: For example, the nearest supermarket was about 100 kilometers away from me.
举个例子,离我最近的超市在100千米远的地方 。
Todd: That's amazing.
这么远 。
Anili: And, so of course the students lived, some of the students lived a long way away from the schools, so they had their lessons by teleconference, actually, school of the air.
有的学生住得离学校非常远,他们通过采用电话会议技术的空中教室来远程听课 。
Todd: Wow, so when you had a teleconference for example, how many students would be on the air this time.
哇,那么当学生可以通过电话会议远程听课的时候,一次在线有多少学生呢 。
Anili: I guess around eight, in two different locations. And I would be in the third location.
我想有一共有八名学生,分别身处在不同的两个地方 。而我是在第三个地点 。
Todd: Wow, that's amazing!
Anili: Yeah!
Todd: Yeah! And how often would you be teaching like this?
Anili: Well, the students were aged between 9 and 12 years old. They had two French lessons a week by teleconference.
学生们的年龄从9岁到12岁不等 。他们一周有两节法语课 。
Todd: Wow, and how long was each lesson?
Anili: 45 minutes.
45分钟 。
Todd: Great. That's really interesting.
很棒 。这真的很有趣 。
注:译文属可可英语原创,未经允许,请勿转载 。