Nathan: So we're talking about gyms and exercises and stuff, Jules, and I want to ask you a question. It may be a bit of advice.
纳山:我们来谈谈健身房和锻炼身体,朱尔斯,我想问你个问题 。我需要你给我些建议 。
Jules: OK.
朱尔斯:好 。
Nathan: You know Madonna?
Jules: Not personally but.
朱尔斯:不认识本人,但是我知道她 。
Nathan: Right. Well, I heard that Madonna had like started this craze where people do gym, they do yoga in hot rooms and the benefit is that because your muscles are all warm, you can do much longer like stretches. You can stretch much further but the counter-argument is that you get dehydrated and you might damage yourself.
纳山:好 。我听说是麦当娜开启了在健身房的加温室里做瑜珈的热潮,因为可以保持肌肉的温暖,所以可以做更长时间的拉伸运动 。你可以做更多拉伸运动,但是反驳观点认为,这样会导致脱水,可能伤到自己 。
Jules: Yeah. To be honest, I don't know so much about it. Madonna certainly didn't start it. It's called bikram yoga.
朱尔斯:对 。说实话,我不太了解这个 。不过肯定不是麦当娜开始的 。这个叫做高温瑜珈 。
Nathan: OK.
纳山:好 。
Jules: And it originates I think in India but they, I think the underlying idea is that because yoga originates in India that we should practice yoga in the same climactic conditions.
朱尔斯:我认为高温瑜珈起源于印度,基本思想是因为瑜珈起源于印度,所以我们应该在和印度同样的气候条件下做瑜珈 。
Nathan: Great.
纳山:很好 。
Jules: Therefore you should be stretching and working out in the hot humid thirty five plus. And of course your body is much more flexible when it's warm and you get a lot, I've never done it actually because I, when I go, I can go in a sauna but only for a couple of minutes.
朱尔斯:所以你应该在炎热潮湿、35度以上的环境中做瑜珈 。当然在温暖的环境下,你的身体更灵活,不过我并没有做过,因为我去蒸桑拿的时候也只能坚持几分钟的时间 。
Nathan: Yeah.
纳山:好 。
Jules: Because I start to feel my heart beat and I get dizzy and stuff.
朱尔斯:我在感觉到心脏的跳动以后就会头晕 。
Nathan: Oh really?
Jules: I don't like it so the thought of working out in that kind of climate would kind of scares me a little bit.
朱尔斯:我也不喜欢,所以在这种气候条件下锻炼对我来说有点可怕 。
Nathan: Mmm, maybe I don't need to try that then.
纳山:嗯,那可能我就不用尝试了 。
Jules: But I think you'd benefit from yoga. Everybody benefits from yoga especially someone with your back issues.
朱尔斯:不过我认为练瑜珈可以带来好处 。所有人都会从练习瑜珈中受益,尤其是像你这样有背部问题的人 。
Nathan: My poor back, yeah.
纳山:我可怜的后背 。
Jules: Your weight training, was that on your doctor's advice or are you just trying to strengthen up so that you can protect your body?
Nathan: I have a physio and they advised me that one of the problems I have with my back is that the muscles get tired and there's like a vicious circle. So if you get tired muscles, they go hard and as they're hard they get, what would I say tense and as they get tense they get more tired more easily so you've got like a vicious circle. They're tense so they get tired and as they're tired they get more tense.
纳山:我有一个理疗师,他说我后背的问题是肌肉疲劳,而且一直在恶性循环 。如果你肌肉疲劳,那肌肉就会变硬,然后就会绷紧,进一步增加疲劳,所以就一直在恶性循环 。肌肉绷紧导致肌肉疲劳,肌肉疲劳以后会导致肌肉更紧 。
Jules: Tired, OK.
朱尔斯:疲劳,好 。
Nathan: And one of the reasons they get tired is because they're not strong and you overdo the activity. So like if you run a marathon, you know the next day your legs are really tired and they really hurt. It's the same kind of principle that if you do the same position like using a computer for a long time, the small controlling muscles get tired so if you can strengthen them, you can sit at the computer without getting tired for as long.
纳山:肌肉疲劳的其中一个原因是肌肉不够强壮有力,还有就是运动过度 。如果你去跑马拉松,第二天你会发现你的腿会非常累,而且非常疼 。同样,如果你在电脑前坐了太长时间,控制你活动的肌肉就会感到疲劳,所以你要增强肌肉的力度,然后在电脑前长时间坐着的时候就不会感到太疲劳了 。
1. to be honest 老实说;说实在的;
例句:To be honest, this poem of yours is the worst I've ever read.
说老实话,你这首诗是我读过的最糟的诗 。
2. work out 锻炼;健身;
例句:I like to go to the gym and work out.
我喜欢上健身房做运动 。
3. benefit from 获益;对…有益;有利于;
例句:He will benefit from the new way of doing business.
他将从经营业务新方法中获益 。