Todd: Al, you are a big movie fan?
Al: Yes, I am.
艾尔:对,没错 。
Todd: So as a big movie fan, what do you think about all the amazing technological special effects that they're doing now?
Al: I think it's going to lead to a point where we don't need actors anymore.
艾尔:我认为以后我们将不再需要演员了 。
Todd: Seriously.
Al: Yeah.
艾尔:对 。
Todd: I mean, how could they do that though?
Al: You'll be able to completely create a believable character. You can already create a believable character on a computer and give it life and emotion, and he won't be asking for 10 million pounds a movie. He'll be free to create and he'll do exactly what you say, and he'll come to the set on time. He won't need to come to the set will he. He won't turn up on the set drunk is what I mean. He'll be just completely at your mercy to do whatever you want with.
艾尔:未来你将有完全创造真实人物的能力 。现在你可以在电脑上创造真实角色,给这个角色生命和感情,你创造出来的人物不会向你要1000万英镑的片酬 。他可以自由创造,而且会完全按照你说的去做,他会准时到现场 。不过其实他不需要到现场不是吗?我是说,他不会醉醺醺的出现在拍摄现场 。他会完全按照你的要求去做 。
Todd: So, you're saying in the future, they'll just write a story and then just like animation, they'll just design the character and then have the movie with the background and everything.
托德:你的意思是未来的电影由动画模拟来完成,他们只需要设计出角色,用一些背景来完成电影 。
Al: Yeah. Actors will only be important for reference. Directors will go on back and look at great performances and copy them, or copy nuance and performance for there computer generated character. You'll need the voice actors for awhile, and then computers will be able to create the human voice, recreate the human voice, too.
艾尔:对 。演员只是重要的参考 。导演可以回顾之前的电影寻找那些伟大的表演,然后进行复制,为电脑制造的角色复制细节信息和表演 。有一段时间可能会需要配音,不过之后电脑也可以创造人类的声音,重新创造人类的声音 。
Todd: Are there any examples of movies, where this is actually happening now?
Al: You look at Yoda. In Star Wars Episode III, Yoda is completely believable.
艾尔:尤达大师就是个例子 。在《星球大战》第三部中,尤达就是创造出来的真实人物 。
Todd: And that's all computer graphics, it's not?
Al: It's all computer, I think he's a puppet, I think in this one he was completely computer animated. It was a puppet for some of Episode II.
艾尔:对,宝剑用电脑创造,我想之前他是用提线木偶完成的,而这部中是完全用电脑动画完成的 。在《星球大战》第二部中也是提线木偶 。
Todd: Yeah. That's pretty impressive.
托德:对 。那真是令人印象深刻 。
Al: Yeah, and scary. Human will be unnecessary soon.
艾尔:对,也很可怕 。很快就不需要人类了 。
1. lead to
eg. It will lead to devaluation of a number of European currencies.
这将会造成数种欧洲货币的贬值 。
eg. Such an offence will lead to a summary fine.
这类过错要当场予以罚款 。
2. on time
eg. The car was not returned on time, then was reported stolen.
这辆车没有按时归还,然后就报失了 。
eg. He will come on time even if it rains.
即使下雨,他还是会准时来的 。
3. turn up
eg. He kept turning up like a bad penny at every party.
没有哪次晚会见不到他,真令人讨厌 。
eg. I'm very glad you turned up so early.
我很高兴你们来得这么早 。