Maria: So talking about social media, is your parents on any social sites like Facebook, Twitter, et cetera.
Alex: My mum and dad are on Facebook. My mum doesn't use hers, she uses hers only to kind of see what I'm doing.
亚历克斯:我爸爸和妈妈用脸谱网 。我妈妈不太常上脸谱网,她注册脸谱网的目的就是看我在干什么 。
Maria: Stalk you?
Alex: Kind of yeah. My dad, he's on Facebook every once in a while. Again, he does kind of stalk me as well because he, he's very paranoid about Facebook, about social media sites so every once in a while I get an email from him and it will be like just so you know this was on your profile and you need to change it or this, or one of your friends commented or put a video on and I don't think that's appropriate if a job seeker looking for you. And I keep telling him I'm unsearchable, you know, like you can't find me but so he only uses it to make himself more paranoid. My mum got Twitter before I did.
亚历克斯:差不多吧 。我爸爸偶尔会登录一次脸谱网 。其实可以说他也是在监视我,因为他对脸谱网等社交网站非常多疑,每隔一段时间我会收到他的一封邮件,内容是他看到我资料上的信息,认为我应该改一下哪个地方,或是他看到我朋友的评论,或是我上传了一个视频,他认为那让求职者看到不太合适之类的 。我一直跟他说他搜索不到我,他在脸谱网上找不到我,于是脸谱网让他更多疑了 。我妈妈在我之前就注册了推特账号 。
Maria: Oh really?
Alex: I still don't have it. She got it for her job. She's working as a chief medical officer so she got it for her company, the start up company she's working for and I don't know, her opinion originally was that it was for people who are really, really self-centered and wanted to tell everyone about what they were feeling and now she's like this thing's actually kind of fun. So she's enjoying that. Both of my parents are on Skype annoyingly often. My dad travels a lot so he has to use Skype to get in contact with my mum. The video feature is really, really good for that, so they're on almost every night I think to each other. I usually receive stuff from them just like overnight or something when they're doing stuff like that, but Twitter is my mum's thing.
亚历克斯:我现在也没有注册推特 。她是为了工作注册的 。她是首席医疗官,她为了公司需要注册了推特,她在一家新成立的公司工作,一开始她认为推特是那些以自我为中心的人才会用的软件,因为这些人想让所有人知道他们的感觉,不过现在她觉得推特还挺有意思的 。所以现在她很享受 。我父母都经常用Skype 。我爸爸经常出差,所以她要用Skype和我妈妈联系 。他们非常喜欢Skype的视频功能,我想他们几乎每天晚上都会视频通话 。我经常在晚上收到他们的消息,不过推特只有我妈妈用 。
Maria: How do you feel about having your parents on these social media sites?
Alex: In some way, you know, it's good, like if, I don't talk to them ever on social media sites. Well I do it by Skype or something like that. I don't do it on Facebook. I don't do it on Twitter, although I don't have Twitter so it doesn't make a difference but, you know, Facebook, I'm, I don't know, I think it's a bit odd honestly. My parents, there's some stuff on there, you know, it's for my friends. It's not really for them so, I don't know, it's, I feel it can be a bit awkward. My mum has said hey I was looking at your Facebook site the other day and, you know, you instantly go sshhh, oh dear, you bristle, you know, you get nervous because you're like what did she find, so yeah good stuff.
亚历克斯:从某些方面来看,还不错,不过我不和他们在社交网站上聊天 。我和他们通过Skype联系 。我们并不在脸谱网上聊天 。我们也不在推特上聊天,当然我也没有推特账号,所以没有什么区别,不过我感觉在脸谱网关注父母也有些奇怪 。有些东西是我只想让朋友们看到的,并不想让父母看到,因为我认为那可能会有些尴尬 。有一天我妈妈说我正在看你的脸谱网,然后我就会紧张又烦躁,因为你不知道她会发现什么 。
1. as well 也;还;
例句:It is most often diagnosed in women in their thirties and forties, although I've seen it in many younger women, as well.
这种病一般多发于三四十岁的女性,但我也见过许多更年轻的女性患这种病 。
2. once in a while 偶尔;间或;
例句:Earrings need to be taken out and cleaned once in a while.
耳环要偶尔取出来清洗一下 。
3. get in contact with 联系;联络;
例句:Finally he managed to get in contact with them.
他终于设法与他们取得了联系 。
4. each other 彼此;互相;
例句:They show reciprocal affection to each other.
他们表达了彼此之间的爱慕 。