Todd: Now Alan, you used to be a baker.
托德:艾伦,你以前做过面包师 。
Alan: Yes I did.
艾伦:是的 。
Todd: That's pretty cool. So you can make anything right, like bread, donuts, cake?
托德:那真酷 。那你会做面包、甜甜圈和蛋糕,对吧?
Alan: Yeah. My specialty, what I did a lot of was, different varieties of bread. I baked a lot of white bread, whole wheat bread, 60% whole wheat bread, rye bread, sour dough, Italian bread, French bread. So mostly I did breads.
艾伦:对,那是我的强项,我会做多种面包 。我会做白面包、全麦面包、全麦比例达到60%的面包、黑麦面包、酸面包、意式面包和法式面包 。基本上我主要负责做面包 。
Todd: Ok, sounds good. What is the routine of a baker? Do you have to get up early, or how does that work?
托德:听起来不错 。那面包师的作息是怎样的?你是不是需要早起?你们是怎么工作的?
Alan: Yes. Generally most bakeries, especially bakeries that sell bread, they start operations very early in the morning. With the bread, you want to get the bread out and fresh as early as possible. So bread bakers will start at 3am or 4am. They'll come in and open up the shop. They'll get everything going, fire up the ovens and start mixing the bread dough. So if the bakery opens at 8 in the morning, the customers come into fresh baked bread.
艾伦:对,通常大多数面包师,尤其是那些还要卖面包的面包师,早上很早就要起床准备 。要确保新鲜的面包尽早出炉 。所以面包师大概早上三四点就已经开始工作了 。他们要把店门打开、启动烤箱、做面团 。8点面包店一开门,顾客就能买到刚出炉的面包了 。
Todd: I love that smell. So what would you say was the best thing about being a baker?
托德:我喜欢那个味道 。你认为做面包师最棒的事情是什么?
Alan: The best thing about being a baker would be, making all those fancy pastries: Danish, croissants, apple strudel. I enjoyed that part of baking, making those kinds of products.
艾伦:做面包师最棒的是能做各式各样的甜点:丹麦酥、牛角包、苹果卷等等 。我很享受这种烘焙各种面包的过程 。
Todd: Was there anything that you did not like about being a baker?
Alan: Pretty much everything else. Specifically, I didn't like the hours. Mostly the hours I didn't like. The actual work was not bad but it was the hours and the pay wasn't so good.
艾伦:几乎各个方面都不太好 。尤其是我不喜欢工作时间 。主要来说我不喜欢面包师的工作时间 。其实这份工作并不差,但是工作时间和薪水不太好 。
Todd: Ok well, still though you'd have to have loved that smell of fresh bread everyday.
托德:好,而且你每天都会闻到新鲜面包的味道 。
Alan: That I did enjoy yes.
艾伦:我很享受这种味道 。
1. get up
eg. We will get up early and do some housework.
我们将早起并且做点家务 。
eg. He was pleased to get up to the singing of birds.
他很高兴起床听到鸟的歌唱 。
2. open up
eg. Three armed men were waiting when the postmaster and his wife arrived to open up the shop.
当邮政局长和妻子到邮局开门营业时,3名持械男子正等着他们 。
eg. Open up, or I break in!
3. fire up
eg. Put on a helmet, fire up your engine and head out on the open road.
戴上头盔,发动引擎,开上乡村干道 。
eg. We had better fire up the furnace.
我们最好把炉子生起来 。