Amy: How about you? Have you ever been in an accident?
Paul: Not a car accident. I was in a bicycle accident.
保罗:我没出过车祸,但是我发生过自行车事故 。
Amy: Yeah?
Paul: I laugh now but at the time, it was pretty bad.
保罗:虽然我现在在笑,但是当时情况非常糟糕 。
Amy: What happened?
Paul: It was dark and it was Christmas day. And I was on my bicycle going down a quite steep slope and my telephone rang. And I looked at my mobile phone and I took it out of my pocket whilst riding my bike. And looked at it and noticed it was my dad and he was ringing to wish me a happy Christmas. So I felt sort of compelled to answer the phone. So answering the phone, still going down the hill, probably gathering speed. It's dark and I'm trying to get my dad off the phone as soon as I can. And before I knew it, I drove straight into the back of a parked black car.
保罗:那天是圣诞节,当时天已经黑了 。我骑着自行车经过一个特别陡的斜坡,这时我的电话响了 。我一边骑车,一边从衣服口袋里拿出手机 。我看到手机屏幕上显示是我爸爸打来的电话,他打给我祝我圣诞快乐 。我必须要接电话 。我在接电话时还处在下坡的过程中,我骑行的速度越来越快 。天很黑,我试图尽快和我爸爸讲完电话 。可是在我意识到之前,我撞上了一辆停在路边的黑色汽车的车尾 。
Amy: Oh no.
艾米:哦不 。
Paul: I saw it at the very last minute. So I hit the back of it and my body slammed into the ground, and I broke a few bones, yeah. Yeah.
保罗:我在最后一刻才看到那辆车 。所以我撞上了那辆汽车的尾部,我的身体摔到了身上,断了几根骨头 。就是这样 。
Amy: Oh no.
艾米:哦不 。
Paul: Yeah, yeah. It was a pretty miserable Christmas to be honest with you.
保罗:对 。说实话,那真是一个痛苦的圣诞节 。
Amy: I'd say it's terrible. That's the worst.
艾米:我认为那太可怕了 。那是最糟糕的圣诞节 。
Paul: Yeah.
保罗:是的 。
Amy: Did the owner of the car see what happened? Did you damage the car?
Paul: I didn't stay long enough. I got out of there pretty quickly.
保罗:我没有在现场停留太长时间 。我马上就离开了 。
Amy: And went to the hospital.
艾米:赶去医院 。
Paul: No, I was a bit stubborn. I don't know why. I was the worst night sleep I've ever had but yeah, I didn't go to the hospital until the next day.
保罗:不是,我有一点儿固执 。我也不知道为什么 。那天晚上睡觉时是我度过的最糟糕的一晚,我第二天才去医院 。
Amy: What bones did you break?
Paul: I broke my collarbone, the clavicle.
保罗:我的锁骨骨折了 。
Amy: Oh, a nightmare.
艾米:哦,真是噩梦 。
Paul: And I broke a few ribs.
保罗:还有几根肋骨也骨折了 。
Amy: Oh no, ribs. That's the worst because they can't do anything for it. They just send you on your way and you just have to cough in pain.
艾米:哦不,肋骨 。那是最糟糕的,因为医院基本上没法帮你 。你接受治疗以后,医院就会准许你回家,可是你咳嗽的时候都很疼 。
Paul: Hmm.
保罗:嗯 。
Amy: Oh no.
艾米:哦不 。
Paul: Yeah. But it could have been a lot worse, you know.
保罗:对,不过本来可能会更糟糕的 。
Amy: Hmm, that's true.
艾米:嗯,这倒是 。
Paul: Yeah. I could have broken my neck.
保罗:是啊,我没准会摔断脖子 。
Amy: So how long did it take you to recover?
Paul: It took me about probably six weeks, I suppose.
保罗:我想我大概用了六周的时间 。
Amy: Hmm.
艾米:嗯 。
Paul: Yeah, because then—actually, in the following —it happened on Christmas day, so three months later in the March, I was lucky enough to win a place in the Tokyo marathon. And I really wanted to do it because it's quite difficult to get. It's like a lottery now. There's so many people who apply to get a position. So I wasn't going to let this accident stop me from running the Tokyo marathon. So I was trying to rush it, really and I shouldn't have. But I did. I've run there.
保罗:因为那起事故发生在圣诞节,三个月之后,3月份的时候,我很幸运地获得了东京马拉松比赛的参赛资格 。我非常想参加马拉松,但是参赛资格很难拿到 。那就是碰运气 。报名参加马拉松的人非常多 。我不能让这起事故阻止我参加东京马拉松 。所以我尽力去参加,其实我本不应该这样做的 。不过我最终还是参加了马拉松 。
Amy: Did you?
Paul: Yeah.
保罗:对 。
Amy: Oh, my goodness.
艾米:哦我的天哪 。
Paul: Yeah, I finished it but—
Amy: Congratulations. But how were you? That must have really hindered your recovery.
艾米:祝贺你?可是完赛以后你感觉怎么样?这一定阻碍了你的康复 。
Paul: It hindered my training period for the marathon, yeah, so.
保罗:骨折影响了我的马拉松训练期 。
Amy: But you finished it though.
艾米:不过你还是跑完了马拉松 。
Paul: I finished it, yeah.
保罗:我跑完了,没错 。
Amy: Well done.
艾米:做得好 。
Paul: I wouldn't do it again. Marathons are miserable things to be. Really. Why put yourselves through that pain? I still like running so maybe in the future, I'd do a half marathon or something, yeah. But a full marathon—my marathon days are over, I think. Yeah.
保罗:我不会再跑马拉松了 。马拉松真的是一件很痛苦的事情 。为什么要让自己遭受这种痛苦呢?我现在依然很喜欢跑步,以后我可能会参加半程马拉松之类的 。不过我不会再参加全程马拉松了,我跑马拉松的日子已经结束了 。
1. stop sb. from doing sth. 阻止;使中断;使停止;
例句:No hardness could stop him from pursuing his goals.
任何困难也阻挡不住他去追求他的目标 。
2. well done 做得好;
例句:Well done, Linda,Your painting is top of the league.
画得好,琳达,你的画好极了 。
3. put through 使遭受;
例句:She wouldn't want to put them through the ordeal of a huge ceremony.
她不想让他们参加大型仪式受罪 。