Todd: OK. Steven, you're looking at a picture. Please describe what you see!
Steven: Uh, I can see a red double-decker bus. It's the kind of bus you'll see very often in London. In fact I know this bus is from London because I can see the names: Chelsea, Sloan Square, Victoria, Herring Cross. These are all areas in London. Um, so obviously the bus is in London.
我看到的是一辆双层巴士 。它在伦敦随处可见 。事实上,这辆巴士来自伦敦是一目了然的,切尔西,斯隆广场,维多利亚,Herring Cross,这些都是伦敦的地名 。所以这辆车一定是伦敦的 。
Todd: OK. Have you ever been on a double-decker bus?
Steven: Yeah, yeah, yeah. many times. Many times. When I was younger, you used to get double-decker all over England but now you only tend to see them in the big cities.
是的,经常 。我小时候,我经常乘坐上层巴士到伦敦的各个地方,但现在只有在大城市才能看到它 。
Todd: Oh, really. Mm! How much is the fare?
Steven: Well, it depends on the journey. It's..I guess it's not too expensive, but the minimum price you would pay is, for a short journey, is about a pound.
费用多少是由乘坐的距离长短决定的 。我猜想不是很贵,上车要支付的最少车费,也就是短途的车费,是1英镑 。
Todd: Mm, yeah, who can you see on the bus? Can you pick out anyone on the bus who looks interesting?
Steven: Hmm, yeah, well this girl here at the back, that's leaning on the door, um, she looks really bored, actually. Maybe she is going to work or something and she doesn't want to go!
是的,后面这个女孩 。她依着车门,看上去很无聊 。也许她正要去上班或是去她不想去的地方!
Todd: Is that how you feel on the bus?
Steven: Uh, well, no, not really, because I haven't worked in England for a long time, so I haven't taken a bus for a long time.
不,不全是 。因为我很长时间不在英国工作了,所以我很长时间没有乘坐过双层巴士了 。
Todd: So, so you're British, do you missing them?
Steven: Um, yes, sometimes. Sometimes.
是的,有时候是的 。
Todd: OK. Great. Thanks a lot.
Steven: No problem.
没问题 。
注:译文属可可英语原创,未经允许,请勿转载 。