Todd: Hey Jen, we're talking about technology. I'm curious. How many times do you check your email every day?
托德:嘿,珍,我们来谈谈技术 。我很好奇 。你每天查看几次邮箱?
Jen: Nowadays I check it every day because I have so many emails coming from my company so I have to be updated, but in the past I would not check it for like, I would just check it two or three times a week. How about you?
珍:现在我每天都查看邮箱,因为我会收到很多公司寄来的电邮,所以我必须随时查看邮箱,不过以前我可能一周查看两三次 。你呢?
Todd: Yes, actually I brought that up because I think this is an interesting generational shift. I don't check Facebook and all that stuff that much, but my generation, we check email multiple times a day for work, like you just said. But the younger generation from what I understand, you guys don't even use email.
托德:好,实际上我问这个问题是因为我认为这是一种有趣的世代交替 。我不太常登陆脸谱网等社交媒体,不过如你所说,因为工作需要,我这代人每天会多次查看邮箱 。但是据我了解,像你们这种年轻一代甚至不用电子邮件 。
Jen: Yeah, like if you asked me the same question two months ago I would say I hardly check my mails because everything, like all the conversation I have, it's all on Facebook or some other social media, not emails. I think that's very old school.
珍:对,如果你两个月以前问我这个问题,我会说我几乎不查看邮件,因为我和他人的联系都是通过脸谱网或其他社交媒体完成的,而不用电邮 。我认为电邮太老派了 。
Todd: Yeah. So you do like text messaging, LINE, WhatsApp?
托德:对 。所以你喜欢用LINE或WhatsApp发信息?
Jen: Yeah, all of that.
珍:对,所有这种软件 。
Todd: All of that. How many accounts do you have actively, that you actively use?
托德:所有 。你有多少个积极使用的账号?
Jen: Wait. Maybe ... I actively use five of them, but I have eight of them, yeah.
珍:稍等 。积极使用地有5个,不过我一共有8个账号 。
Todd: Wow, you can manage that. The reason I don't do it, I imagine that you just must get a message like every 20 seconds.
托德:哇哦,你可以管理这么多账号 。我想我不使用社交媒体的原因是,每20秒就会收到一条信息 。
Jen: Not every 20 seconds, unless you're dating, but yeah, you get a lot of messages.
珍:不是每20秒就会收到一条信息,除非你在约会,不过的确会收到很多信息 。
Todd: Really? And that doesn't drive you crazy? That doesn't like bother you?
Jen: I think in the beginning it was like too much, but now we have just gotten like used to it. It's just very normal for us. It's like you checking your mail three times a day, which is crazy for me.
珍:一开始的确会很困扰,不过现在我们已经习惯使用社交媒体了 。这对我们来说很平常 。就像你每天查看三次电邮一样,而在我看来那很疯狂 。
Todd: Yeah, but still. Here the thing is I don't like the phone. I think we've talked about this before. My generation was the fingers generation, so we used our fingers to type. And the younger generation, you use your thumb. And to me it's really slow and just painstaking to do, to communicate with your thumb on the phone.
托德:好,不过我仍被未说服 。问题是我不喜欢手机 。我想我们之前谈论过这个问题 。我这代人擅长利用手指,所以我们用手指来打字 。而你们年轻一代则用拇指 。对我来说,用拇指在手机上交流太慢了,而且很辛苦 。
Jen: Really? Because for me I think it's faster than typing.
珍:真的吗?可是我认为那比打字快 。
1. in the past 过去;往昔;
The group has been notoriously fickle in the past.
这伙人过去一直是出了名的善变 。
2. drive sb. crazy 使某人发疯;
You drive me crazy, you know that?
3. in the beginning 起初,首先;
In the beginning some of us took no interest in it.
开始时,我们中的一些人对此并不感兴趣 。
4. get used to sth./doing sth. 开始习惯于;
This kind of clothes looks ok after you get used to it.
这种服装看惯了也还不错 。