Wendi: So I wanna know who your basketball team is?
Ken: Who my basketball team is?
Wendi: Yeah.
温迪:对 。
Ken: Oh, my favorite pro team?
Wendi: Now, like who's your team?
Ken: Oh, OK. I'm from Atlanta so my favorite team is the Hawks, unfortunately. For the past six or seven years, they have sucked it up royally and they haven't been much to cheer for but there're signs of them turning it around. They've got a nice young core. Like we have the slam dunk champion on your team. A nice free agent pick-up recently. Hopefully in a couple of years we'll make the playoffs, something to cheer for.
肯:哦,好 。我来自亚特兰大,所以我最喜欢的球队是亚特兰大老鹰队 。不幸的是,这六七年来,球队打得太差了,没有什么可庆祝的,不过现在已经有迹象表明球队正在好转 。他们引进了一名年轻的核心球员 。现在球队有扣篮大赛冠军 。而且球队还签下了一名优秀的自由球员 。希望未来几年我们可以打进季后赛,让我们可以欢呼庆祝 。
Wendi: Alright, in any basketball game I've ever been to, it's like, at half-time, those cheerleader girls come out and cheer. What's the relationship between basketball and cheerleading?
温迪:嗯,我看过几场篮球比赛,啦啦队会在中场休息时间出来表演 。篮球和啦啦队之间的关系是什么?
Ken: It's not the relationship between basketball and cheerleading so much as the relationship between the basketball fan and the cheerleader and that the basketball fan is normally a man, and men like to look at beautiful women moving around I think. That's the relationship. It's just a crowd-pleaser more than anything else.
肯:篮球和啦啦队之间的关系并不像篮球迷和啦啦队之间的关系那样密切,通常来说篮球迷都是男性,我认为男人喜欢看漂亮的女孩跳舞 。就是这种关系 。这其实就是取悦观众的表演 。
Wendi: That's an honest answer, Ken.
温迪:肯,你给出了诚实的回答 。
Ken: I don't think the players are any more motivated than they would be just because some girls are dancing around in skimpy outfits but the fans still love it.
肯:我认为篮球运动员不会因为一些女孩穿着暴露的衣服跳舞而更有动力,但是球迷喜欢看 。
Wendi: Fair enough.... Alright, if you think of all the teams you have ever been on, what characterizes the best type of teammate to have?
Ken: The best type of teammate to have is one who is a good leader. I like good leaders, like people who know how to win, know how to get their teammates involved in the game. They motivate you. They praise you when you do well. They'll give you constructive criticism when you're not playing as well as you could be. But ultimately they know the strengths and weaknesses of each of the players on the team and they'll make the most of it based on what they feel is best for the team.
肯:我认为最好的队友应该是那种优秀的领导者 。优秀的领导者知道如何取得胜利,可以让队友融入比赛中 。他们会激励你进步,在你表现出色的时候表扬你 。而在你没有表现出应有水平时给你提出建设性的批评意见 。说到底,他们知道球队中每名选手的优点和缺点,利用这些做出对球队最好的选择 。
1. turn around (使)复苏;(使)好转;
例句:Turning the company around won't be easy.
盘活那家公司绝非易事 。
2. a couple of 两个;几个;
例句:I wobbled uncertainly for a couple of paces, then over I went.
我踉跄了几步就跌倒了 。
3. fair enough 有道理;说得对;敢情好;
例句:"I'm taking it to our local police station." — "Oh right, fair enough."
“我要告到本地警察局 。”——“呵,对,干得有理 。”
4. make the most of 尽量利用;充分利用;
例句:Happiness is the ability to make the most of what you have.
幸福就是有能力充分享受你拥有的一切 。