Todd: Hello! What is your name?
Kentaro: My name is Kentaro.
Todd: Kentaro. And what is your full name?
健太郎 。你的全名是?
Kentaro: My full name is Kentaro Sugimori.
我的全名是健太郎杉森 。
Todd: Sugimori.
杉森 。
Kentaro: Mm-hm.
嗯 。
Todd: OK. And where are you from?
Kentaro: I'm originally from Hamamatsu city. Which is in Shizuoka Prefecture, Japan.
我来自日本静冈县浜松市 。
Todd: Oh, really. Shizuoka is a nice place.
真的 。静冈县是个好地方 。
Kentaro: Oh, really!Have you been there?
Todd: Yeah! I used to live there.
是的!我曾在那里住过 。
Kentaro: Oh. Great!
Todd: Tell me about Japan.
跟我说说日本 。
Kentaro: Well, Japan is, compared to the states, it's small, homogeneous, however and it's also has it's own culture.
和其他国家相比,日本很小,民族种类单一,但日本有自己的文化 。
Todd: OK. Yeah. Yeah. I agree. Japanese culture is very, very unique.
是的 。日本文化非常独特 。
Kentaro: Mm-hm.
嗯 。
Todd: What is the capital city of Japan?
Kentaro: Tokyo.
东京 。
Todd: Tokyo.
东京 。
Kentaro: I believe so.
我想是的 。
Todd: OK! Yeah, and who is the leader of the country?
Kentaro: Well, our political leader is Mr. Prime Minister Koizumi Junichiro.
我们的政治领导人是首相小泉纯一郎 。
Todd: OK.
好的 。
Kentaro: But our psychological leader will be our Emperor.
但我们的精神领袖是天皇 。
Todd: OK. Nice, and do you like the Prime Minister?
Kentaro: Yes, I like him.
是的,我很欣赏他 。
Todd: OK. Yeah, me too. Alright. Thanks.
我也是 。好的,谢谢 。
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