Andy: Alright, Steve, can I ask you a few questions about your job?
Steve: You certainly may.
史蒂夫:当然可以 。
Andy: OK, what exactly do you do?
Steve: Well, I work for a publishing company named Longman and I'm one of the sales reps that is based in your Osaka office. (OK) Each of the sales reps have a given territory so I cover the Western Japan region for Longman.
史蒂夫:我在一家名为朗文的出版公司工作,我是大坂办公室的一名销售代表 。(好)每名销售代表都有各自的领域,我负责的是朗文在日本西部地区的销售工作 。
Andy: That's a pretty big region.
安迪:那是一片很大的区域啊 。
Steve: It is indeed. It is. It is Andy, yeah.
史蒂夫:的确是 。是这样的,安迪,没错 。
Andy: Do you get a lot of travelling for that?
Steve: We do indeed, yeah. Basically, my main job is to go around to the universities, to some extent the high schools and the private language schools and to see what their needs are, see what kind of books they are using. We are also increasing, we're promoting CD-ROMS and e-learning as well as the tradional textbooks.
史蒂夫:是的,基本上来说,我的主要工作就是在大学周边走动,在某种程度上来说,会去高中和私人语言学校了解那里的需求,看他们使用的是哪种书籍 。我们还在不断扩张,在传统书籍的基础上,我们还会推广光盘和网络学习 。
Andy: Very nice. Very nice. What kind of schools are buying your books?
安迪:真好 。太好了 。哪类学校会购买你们的书?
Steve: Well, again the university is a huge part of it because in Japan the first year students and to some extent the second year students have compulsory English education. There's a lot of teachers who have big classes, large enough classes that it makes it very much worth our while to visit those universities and make sure that those teachers are using as many of our books as possible.
史蒂夫:嗯,大学占据了很大部分份额,因为英语是日本大学生在第一学年和第二学年的必修课 。有许多老师都是上大课,所以我们很有必要去那些大学,以确保这些老师在尽可能多地应用我们的书 。
Andy: You mentioned e-learning, like CALL, computer based (Yes, indeed, yeah) English. Is that growing?
安迪:你刚提到网络学习,就像以电脑为基础的计算机辅助语言学习(对,没错) 。这方面有在增加吗?
Steve: It is. It is. I mean, it's growing quite slowly because it takes a lot of time for the decision making process, to say for example, a Japanese university to kick in and to invest in our CD_ROM's.
史蒂夫:有 。我是说,这方面增长的速度非常缓慢,因为决定流程要花费很长时间,举例来说,日本大学在我们公司的光盘项目进行了投资 。
Andy: Yeah, sure, plus first they need to have a computer room.
安迪:当然,首先他们需要有机房 。
Steve: They do indeed, yeah, yeah.
史蒂夫:他们当然有 。
Andy: That's a big investment.
安迪:那可是项大型投资啊 。
Steve: But they already made a huge investment in the hardware, and it's actually not a huge leap of faith to persuade them to invest a little bit in the software as well, and the people we have using our software, they're really getting a lot of enjoyment out of it, they're enjoying interacting, not only with the teachers but with the computers as well, and getting immediate feedback with what we're doing.
史蒂夫:他们已经在硬件上进行了大笔投资,实际上说服他们在软件上也进行一定的投资并不是很有信心,使用我们软件的人实际上已经从软件上得到了很多乐趣,他们享受的是,不仅可以与老师交流,而且也可以和电脑交流,这样他们可以立即得到我们的反馈 。
Andy: Um, so you have stuff for windows and the mac, or are they platform based?
Steve: That's a little bit of a problem actually, Andy. Most of our software is only supporting the windows platform, but a few things because we noticed that a lot of the university teachers in Japan prefer the Mac platform, we are moving somewhat slowly in that area but we are producing more software to support the Mac platform.
史蒂夫:安迪,实际上有点儿问题 。我们大部分的软件都只支持windows系统,但是我们意识到日本的许多大学教师更喜欢用Mac系统,我们在这一领域移动缓慢,但是我们会制作更多支持Mac系统的软件 。
Andy: Ah very nice.
安迪:真好 。
1. to some extent
eg. Language is a reflector of a society to some extent.
从某种程度上来说,语言反映了社会 。
eg. We've altered the original plan to some extent.
我们部分地改变了原计划 。
2. kick in
eg. Kansas City area churches kicked in $35,000 to support the event.
堪萨斯城地区的教会为此事捐助了35,000美元 。
eg. To keep it going, Lenoire kicked in her own earnings from acting.
为了使它继续下去,勒努瓦捐出了自己演戏挣的钱 。
3. interact with
eg. These two chemicals interact with each other at a certain temperature to produce a substance which could cause an explosion.
这两种化学药品在一定温度下相互作用并产生一种引起爆炸的物质 。
eg. Using a mascot for your company is part of a marketing strategy to further interact with your customers and consumers.
给你的公司使用一个吉祥物是加强与你的顾客和消费者互动的一种营销战略 。