Todd: So, Simon, I have to congratulate you. I hear you have new child.
托德:西蒙,我要祝贺你,我听说你的孩子出生了 。
Simon: That's right.
西蒙:没错 。
Todd: Wow. You're a papa. (Yeah) So what's it like being a father?
托德:哇,你当爸爸了 。(对)成为父亲的感觉怎么样?
Simon: Well, it is a completely different lifestyle than before — Papahood, parenthood. Yeah, so, yeah. Life totally changes.
西蒙:嗯,我现在的生活方式和以前完全不同,现在我是爸爸,为人父母 。嗯,我的生活完全改变了 。
Todd: Like how so? How has your life changed?
Simon: Well, I don't get as much sleep as I used to because as newborn babies they get all the time. They poop all the time. They want to eat all the time, so I change diapers, I feed a bottle. You got to carry it all the time if he's feeling lonely. I have a son by the way. It requires a lot of attention and of course, you want to be with your baby so that helps.
西蒙:我不像以前睡那么多觉了,因为要一直照顾刚出生的孩子 。孩子随时都可能大便,而且一直要吃东西,我要换尿布,还有冲奶 。如果孩子感觉孤独,那你就要一直抱着他 。对了,我生了个儿子 。所以需要更多的关注,当然你想和你的孩子在一起,所以这些没什么 。
Todd: Now, since you had your child, your routine has changed, but have you felt that your personility has changed?
Simon: I don't think so. People don't change that easily. You just adjust to a new factor in your life, so maybe I put more priority on things like money and time spent.
西蒙:我想没变化 。人不会那么容易改变的 。你只是要去适应生活中出现的新变化,所以现在我可能更重视金钱和花费的时间 。
Todd: Right. Fair enough. Fair enough. So, like what's a typical day. What do you do on a typical day with your baby, like from morning to night?
托德:对 。说得有道理 。有道理 。那通常你有孩子后每天是怎么过的,从早到晚你会做些什么?
Simon: Well, for one, it's got to be said, I'm the father so I don't have as much to do as his mother but when I work, you know I'm the bread-winner so my job is to make money so that I can buy all the stuff that he needs. On my day off, basically I wake up, let my better-half have breakfast and I take care of him that way. Change his diaper. Do little stuff like that. Then, yeah, it's basically, it's actually quite monotonous really, you just change the diaper, feed, relax, change the diaper, feed, play, relax. It's kind of like a cycle but you know, when he smiles at me then it's all worth it.
西蒙:首先我要说,我是父亲,所以相比于母亲来说,我没有那么多的事情要做,你知道我是赚钱养家的人,所以我的工作就是要挣钱,这样我就能给孩子买他需要的所有东西 。休息日的时候,我起床以后,我爱人会去做早饭,然后我来照顾孩子 。做一些小事情,比如给孩子换尿布之类的 。然后就是非常单调无聊的事情了,换尿布、喂奶、休息、换尿布、喂奶、玩游戏、休息 。就这样一直循环,不过当他对我微笑时,我觉得这一切都是值得的 。
Todd: Cool man.
托德:你真酷 。
1. by the way 顺便地;附带说一句;
例句:By the way, I won't go to the party.
顺便提一下,我不想去参加那个聚会 。
2. adjust to 改变(行为或观点)以适应;调节;习惯;
例句:Astronauts in flight must adjust to weightlessness.
宇航员在飞行中必须适应失重状态 。
3. fair enough (说法、决定或行为)有些道理,说得过去;
例句:Fair enough, you didn't have a perfectly happy childhood: but your childhood is over now.
没错,你的童年生活不那么幸福:但它已经过去了 。
4. take care of 照顾;照看;看护;
例句:I'll take care of your children while you are away.
你不在时我会照顾你的孩子的 。