Todd: Now, Mike, you lived in New York City. That's really, really cool. I think New York's a fantastic city. I've never lived there, but I visited New York many times. What was it like living in New York City?
托德:迈克,你曾经在纽约市生活过 。那真是太酷了 。我认为纽约是个梦幻般的城市 。我从来没在那里生活过,不过我去过纽约很多次 。生活在纽约感觉怎么样?
Mike: Uh, like you said, there's a lot of cool things to do and see in New York. One big difference, when you’re living there, compared to when you're visiting there, is that you start to feel like a New Yorker does, and it changes your sort of view point of the city and things to do there. Within the city, there's a lot of different, interesting places, and things to do, and of course, when you live there, you find out about more places that you normally wouldn't, either wouldn't know about or wouldn't have time to see if you were just visiting for a few days.
迈克:嗯,就像你说的,纽约有很多好玩的事情可以做、可以看 。相比于去那里游玩,生活在那里最大的一个不同就是,你会觉得自己像个纽约人,这会改变你对这个城市的看法,还有你在那里做的事情 。纽约市有各种有趣的地方,有许多事情可以做,当然,当你生活在那里时,你会发现更多有意思的地方,而只去那里游玩几天是不会知道那些地方的,而且也没有时间去游览 。
Todd: What did you do in New York city?
Mike: Well, I was there during the height of the internet boom, so I was working for an internet based company that was doing broadband web casting. I won't go into details, but there was just an internet related company, and so I lived in Midtown Manhattan in an expensive apartment, with a few friends and it...
迈克:嗯,我在那里的时候正赶上互联网的繁荣时期,当时我为一家以互联网为基础的公司工作,那家公司是做宽带业务的 。我不会说得太详细,那就是一家与互联网相关的公司,当时我和一些朋友住在曼哈顿中城区一个非常昂贵的公寓……
Todd: Oh, you had roommates?
Mike: Yes, I had three roommates, none of whom were from New York, which is very common in New York, I think. It's a city of people who come from elsewhere to live in and the people from New York tend to, I think, sound and act a bit differently than the rest.
迈克:对,我有三个室友,他们没有一个人是来自纽约的,我想这在纽约非常常见 。生活在纽约的人来自各地,而从纽约来的人听起来或是他们的行动和其他人有些不同 。
Todd: What was your favorite part of New York City?
Mike: Well, as you may know, New York is divided into several sectors, and I'll stick to Manhattan though, one of the main boroughs in New York is Manhattan. In that borough, it's divided into several sections, several areas. One of my favorite was Greenwich Village, and in that area there's a lot of interesting clubs and bars and right next to there, in another area called the Bowery, which is right next to Greenwich Village there are some sort of old icons and places that I'd known from back in the seventies, that were sort of where Punk Rock started, for example, ah, those kind of places, were there.
迈克:嗯,你可能知道,纽约分为多个区域,而我依然最喜欢曼哈顿,曼哈顿是纽约市主要的地区之一 。这一区又被分为多个区域 。我最喜欢的地区之一就是格林尼治村,那里有许多有意思的俱乐部和酒吧,而与该区相邻的地区名为波威里街,这个区与格林尼治村相邻,有许多古老的雕像和老地方,我知道那些可以追溯到上世纪70年代,那里是朋克摇滚的发源地,就是那种地方 。
Todd: You like Punk music?
Mike: Yeah, I do. I'm a big fan. Old guy that I am. Yes.
迈克:我喜欢 。我是朋克音乐的狂热粉丝 。当然我已经老了 。
Todd: Oh, that's cool. Um, could you ever live in New York City again?
托德:哦,那真酷 。嗯,你还会去纽约市生活吗?
Mike: Absolutely. I would live in New York, but, again it's an expensive city to live in and I think it's a very competitive city, and, yeah, if I had, if I had the opportunity I'd definitely live there again. I wouldn't settle in New York, but I'd definitely live there for awhile.
迈克:当然会了 。我还会去纽约市生活的,那里的生活开销很大,我认为那是一个具有竞争力的城市,当然,如果有机会,我绝对会再去那里生活的 。我不会在纽约定居,但是我绝对会在那里生活一段时间 。
Todd: Oh, cool. Thanks, Mike.
托德:哦,真酷 。谢谢你,迈克 。
1. compared to
eg. Last year, the percentage of free legal hours slid noticeably compared to 2009.
去年,免费法律援助时间的比例较2009年显著下降 。
eg. It was nothing compared to what was still to come.
比起接下来要发生的,这都不算什么 。
2. go into details
eg. I propose to give only a general survey of the subject; I shall not go into details.
关于这一专题,我打算只讲一个概况; 我不想详谈细节 。
eg. It is unnecessary to go into details.
毋庸赘述 。
3. divide into
eg. The physical benefits of exercise can be divided into three factors.
运动对身体的好处可以分为3个方面 。
eg. It will be easiest if we divide them into groups.
如果我们将他们分成小组将是最简单的 。
4. stick to
eg. We don't want to hear your opinions; stick to the facts!
eg. Stick to your principles, and you will win through.
坚持你的原则,就会胜利 。