Alex: So Maria, I thought we'd just talk about things like what would you like to change about yourself? What would you like to change about your appearance?
Maria: Well, I don't like to think about changing myself. I like how people look from the birth, if you can say that, but if I should choose I would like to change my height because I'm very tall and it does cause a problem when I'm looking for a guy especially since in the past I happen to fall for shorter guys and I got issues because they were always being intimidated by my height especially when I wore heels so I would like to be, like have my body because I do like my long legs but just be shorter and not be taller than everybody as I am at the moment, all of my friends.
玛丽亚:我不想改变我自己 。我喜欢人们天生的样子,但是如果可以选择,我希望能改变我的身高,因为我实在太高了,这在找男朋友时给我带来了问题,我以前喜欢过个子比我矮的男生,可是我穿高跟鞋的时候总是会把他们吓到,我很喜欢我的身材,我也确实喜欢我的大长腿,可是我想矮一点,身高不要超过我周围的朋友 。
Alex: I guess that would also lead to you having problems finding shoes and clothes and stuff like that?
Maria: Indeed, yes. I have to watch out. Well in my country it's not a problem to find shoe sizes because we are a very tall people normally so shoes are big and clothes are big but when I travel, I went to China to visit a friend and I wanted to go shopping and it's impossible to find shoes and long pants and fitting bras too, if you can imagine. So I would like to change my height but otherwise I might change like my weight for example or I have changed my hair color several times. I went from black to blonde to black to red to blonde so otherwise I think I'm fine with me.
玛丽亚:没错 。这是我要注意的地方 。在我们国家买鞋并不是问题,因为我们那里的人都很高,所以鞋码很大,衣服尺寸也很大,可是我旅行时就不同了,我之前去中国拜访一个朋友,我想去购物,可是我发现很难找到我能穿的鞋,也没有合适的长裤和内衣,你能想象吗?所以我想改变我的身高,除此之外我可能会改变我的体重,另外我头发的颜色已经换过好几次了 。我从黑色染成金色,又换回黑色,然后又染成红色,再染成金色,除此之外,我对自己很满意 。
1. would like to do sth. (表示愿意)想要;
例句:I would like to talk to you for a minute.
我想和你谈一下 。
2. fall for 迷恋;爱上;
例句:He was fantastically handsome — I just fell for him right away.
他帅极了——我一下子就爱上了他 。
3. at the moment 此刻;目前;眼下;
例句:He's dealing with his post at the moment.
他此刻正在处理信件 。
4. watch out 小心,提防(不愉快的事情或陷入困境);
例句:I advised them to watch out for slick spots on the sidewalk.
我叫他们当心人行道上路滑的地方 。