Joel: So, you're from a smaller island. What kind of concerns do people on your island have or what kind of concerns do you have?
乔尔:你来自一个小岛 。岛上的居民关心什么事情,或者说你关心什么事情?
Patricia: For the world you mean?
Joel: Right. Right.
乔尔:对,没错 。
Patricia: Well recently, when I was in high school I had a friend's aunt who died from AIDS and she was probably the first victim of AIDS, the first AIDS victim in our country and from then on I've had a concern about AIDS. I think it's a very sad issue that should be — people should be concerned with at present and being at a university that is in Asia at the moment I think that the country that I'm living at now (which is Japan). They have this issue but the thing is their cultural understanding is a bit limited to a certain degree whereby they're not allowed to accept the fact that there are AIDS victims. So I think that like other countries Japan should be one of the countries that should be concerned with AIDS, should have projects and should have workshops and lectures to discuss certain things.
帕特里夏:我上高中时有个朋友的阿姨因为艾滋病去世了,她可能是我们国家第一个感染艾滋病的患者,从那时起,我就一直非常关注艾滋病 。我认为这是一个令人难过的问题,这是人们现在都应该关注的问题 。我现在在亚洲上大学,在日本生活,日本也有艾滋病患者,但是他们的文化在一定程度上限制了他们的思想,他们不接受存在艾滋病患者这个事实 。所以我认为和其他国家一样,日本也应该重视艾滋病,应该出台计划,举办研讨会和讲座进行探讨 。
Joel: You're involved in those sort of things here aren't you?
Patricia: Yes I am. I'll be organizing an event particularly for the AIDS lectures and workshops which will be held in December. We'll be discussing and we would like to come up with a summary which basically teaches Asian students, basically Japanese students about the importance of accepting AIDS in their community and how they should be aware of it and how they should be on the safe side rather than on the not-so-safe side. So...yeah.
帕特里夏:对 。我将组织一场活动,主要进行艾滋病讲座和研讨会,活动将于12月进行 。我们会进行讨论,会传授亚洲学生,主要是日本学生接受社区内存在艾滋病这一事实的重要性,以及教导他们如何正确看待艾滋病,如何保持安全避免风险 。
Joel: I see. So it sounds like you keep yourself very busy.
乔尔:我明白了 。听起来你非常忙 。
Patricia: One has to be.
帕特里夏:人就是要忙一些 。
Joel: I don't know when you have time to study.
Patricia: I put in time for that as well.
帕特里夏:当然我也会安排时间学习的 。
Joel: What will you actually teach them at the conference like specific things to make them aware?
Patricia: A lecture. We have lectures which is basically done by doctors or health clinic individuals who know more about AIDS. Then we facilitate students from our university who have researched or who have had previous experience with the disease or who have worked at a medical institute for example or have worked with people who have AIDS before. We use these individuals to be facilitators whereby we have workshops and they will teach people who will be coming to our conference or our meeting about the program. What they do is they give out condoms and we write posters and we inform them of issues of how AIDS comes about, the origins of AIDS anyways. How it comes about, what should be done when you have it, who you should be consulting with, what other diseases or sickness or how you can actually get AIDS. And we also, the other things we do is we inform them of how important the victims of AIDS — we should actually be supporting them as well. Like, that's what we teach them we give ideas of how these families, these victims, what they go through when they are having the disease, how their families oppose them. Some people don't really accept their children once they have AIDS for example. So what we do is that we teach individuals that in a humane sort of way, a disease which kills and is caused probably by either your own choice is something that you also have to have that concern for them. You have to say, "Oh I'm sorry that you have AIDS but would you like support?" This is the important thing. I think it's basically to do with a humane cultural view. Not cultural view but a more humane global view.
帕特里夏:我们会举行讲座 。我们会请更了解艾滋病的医生和医务工作者来讲课 。我们会邀请曾经研究过艾滋病或有艾滋病经验的学生,以及那些在医疗机构工作或接触过艾滋病患者的人 。我们会邀请这些人作辅导员,向参加研讨会或参加活动的人传授艾滋病知识 。辅导员会分发避孕套,我们还会制作宣传海报,讲解艾滋病是如何产生的以及艾滋病的起源 。我们会告诉人们艾滋病是如何产生的,感染后应该做什么,应该去哪里咨询,艾滋病可能引发的疾病,艾滋病的传播途径等 。我们还会教导人们理解和支持艾滋病患者的重要性 。我们在传授这些信息时,会告诉人们艾滋病患者在感染后是如何度过的,他们的家人是怎么反对他们的 。举个例子,有些人不接受得了艾滋病的孩子 。我们要做的就是让人们知道,这个致命疾病可能是由自己的选择导致的,人们要以人道的方式去关注这个问题 。你要说:“哦,你有艾滋病这件事让我很难过,你需要支持吗?”这点非常重要 。我认为要从人文的角度去看待这个问题,不是文化角度,而是从人道的角度去看待 。
1. to a certain degree 在一定程度上;
例句:To a certain degree he likes his job.
在某种程度上他喜欢他的工作 。
2. be aware of 注意到的;察觉到的;意识到的;
例句:I was not aware of the slight changes.
我察觉不到这细微的变化 。
3. come up with 想出,提出(计划、想法等);
例句:I don't think he can come up with any clever move.
我看他也没有什么高招 。
4. come about 产生;发生;
例句:A great change in people's thinking has come about.
人们的思想发生了很大的变化 。
5. give out 分发;散发;
例句:Please help me give out these test papers.
请帮我分发这些试卷 。
6. inform sb. of sth. 通知;告知;
例句:I will leave it to you to inform him of our plan.
把我们的计划通知他,这事就交给你了 。