Tom: Hey, Joel, you got your hair cut.
汤姆:嗨,乔尔,你剪头发了 。
Joel: You can notice that. I don't have much hair left. You can see that it got cut.
乔尔:你注意到了 。其实我本来就没有多少头发,你还能注意到我剪发了 。
Tom: Yeah, why don't you grow it out?
Joel: Actually, you can't notice right now cause it's cut so short but my hair's curly, so if I let it, and I'm bald on top now, so if grow it out I look like Bozo the clown.
乔尔:你现在可能看不出来,因为我的头发剪得很短,我是卷发,可是我现在开始谢顶,如果我留长,那我看上去很像小丑“波索” 。
Tom: Did you have long hair before?
Joel: Actually in college I had long hair. I grew it out pretty long and then, you know, my hair is really blond. I don't know if you can tell now. It's gotten a little bit darker, but it was down to my shoulders and really curly.
乔尔:我上大学的时候留过长发 。当时我的头发非常长,你知道我是金发 。我不知道现在你能否看出来 。现在我的发色有点深了,当时我是齐肩发,而且是卷发 。
Tom: Wow.
汤姆:哇 。
Joel: Yeah.
乔尔:对 。
Tom: When did you start losing it?
Joel: I noticed sort of at the end of college, when I had long hair, because it didn't grow nearly as long in the front. I always wanted it to be really even: long in the front and back, but it was, it grew much faster and much thicker in the back than in the front.
乔尔:我是在大学快毕业时意识到的,因为我留长发时前面的头发和后面的不一样长 。我一直希望前后能一样长,可是后面的头发总是比前面的头发长得快,而且也比前面的头发厚 。
Tom: So when it's all gone, are you going to start combing it all over?
Joel: No, I don't want to have the comb over. I, actually, my wife likes bald heads, so I'm lucky, so I just cut it really short. It's funny though. When I was really young, well when I was born, I was bald until I was maybe one years old or so, and I had very thin white straight hair, so it was perfectly straight, until I was about 13 years old, and as soon as I hit puberty, "booing"! My hair suddenly got curly, so as a self-conscience young adolescent, that was a but of a shocking experience for my hair to go from straight to curly almost overnight. Yeah.
乔尔:不,我不想那样做 。实际上,我妻子喜欢谢顶的人,所以我很幸运,我只是把头发剪得很短 。这很有趣 。我小的时候,我出生以后就一直不长头发,直到9岁我才长出非常细的白色直发,当时头发非常直,可是在我13岁的时候,刚进入青春期我的头发就突然变成卷发了,对于一个自主的青少年来说,头发几乎在一夜之间从直发变为短发是非常令人震惊的经历 。
1. grow out
eg. I also let my hair go darker and grew out my fringe.
我还把头发颜色染深,并让刘海儿长长消失 。
eg. The red rinse had grown out completely.
染红的头发已经长得完全看不出红色了 。
2. look like
eg. The man looks like a cartoon character with a plaster on his temple.
那人太阳穴上贴了一块膏药,看上去像个卡通人物 。
eg. Men want to look like the idealized men depicted in advertisements.
男人们希望自己看上去像广告中描绘的那种理想化男人 。
3. as soon as
eg. He left as soon as he heard the news.
他一听到这事儿就走了 。
eg. The patient began to gain ground as soon as she had good food.
这位病人饮食一好,她的病情就开始好转了 。