Todd: So, Eoin, we're talking about you playing this weekend. You're going to play in two cities. What's the set-up like? What's the routine like when you go to a club? Like how soon must you be there? You know, how long do you play, etc.?
托德:约恩,我们之前说过,你这周末有演出 。你要在两个城市进行演出 。行程是怎么安排的?你去俱乐部表演的行程是怎么安排的?比如你要提前多长时间到那里?你要演奏多长时间?
Eoin: Yeah, there is some variance from place to place about that but generally it's pretty standard that if you're playing that evening, you'll need to be there about maybe two, one or two in the afternoon just to... especially if it's a place you haven't played before to go and greet the... or say hello to the owner of the live house and then do your rehearsal, your sound check to get... make sure all the volumes are correct and normally there's some paperwork to fill in, like list out the songs you're going to play, copy for the lighting people, and copy for the sound guy on the sound desk, and plus if there's people coming to see you and they want to reserve advance tickets, you need to write out a list and give that to the reception guy and then apart from that... yeah, that's most of the preparation done, so normally, you'd go in, greet their live house manager, rehearsal, after that have a bit of free time and the events normally start around 6:30, 7:00 in the evening, and each band plays for about half an hour normally.
约恩:各个地方的情况不一样,一般来说,如果在晚上演出,那还是有标准的,大概要在下午一两点钟到达表演场地,尤其是去之前没有演出过的地方,因为你要和表演空间的经营者打招呼,然后彩排和试音,确保音量合适,通常还有一些文件工作要做,比如列出你要演奏的歌曲清单,复印一份清单给照明工作人员,再复印一份给负责音响的工作人员,如果有人来看你想让你给他们留预售票,那你就要写个名单给接待人员,除此之外……基本上这样大部分准备工作就已经完成了,通常来说,就是要去和表演空间的经理打招呼,彩排,之后会有一些自由时间,一般表演会在晚上6点半或7点开始,每个乐队有大约半小时的表演时间 。
Todd: That's it. Only thirty minutes.
托德:是这样 。只有30分钟 。
Eoin: That's it.
约恩:是的 。
Todd: All that work for only thirty minutes.
托德:做这么多准备工作只有30分钟的表演时间 。
Eoin: That's right.
约恩:没错 。
Todd: That must go by so fast for you?
Eoin: Yeah, it does, but in an ideal world it would be nice to just play for hours on end but I've seen bands play for hours on end, especially bands that I never heard the music before, and I think it's too much to take in. You know, for... if you're a listener, taking in much more than half an hour of brand new music from one band at one time is a lot. I think it's a good length of time to perform if you're not a really well known band.
约恩:是这样的,不过理想的情况是连续表演几个小时,我见过有乐队连接表演几个小时,还是我之前从来没听说过的乐队,我认为这样观众吸收的太多了 。对观众来说,一次吸收一种新音乐超过半小时的时间就有点过了 。我认为如果是不太知名的乐队,半个小时是最合适的表演长度 。
Todd: Well, for you though, does the time just fly by?
Eoin: Yeah, it feels pretty fast but I don't know. It's a rush, you know. It's a buzz to play and even though it's short, it's enjoyable as many things in life are.
约恩:对,的确感觉是非常快,我也说不好 。感觉很匆忙 。虽然时间很短,但是很兴奋,就像生活中很多有趣的事情一样 。
Todd: Right.
托德:是的 。
1. make sure 一定要;设法保证;
例句:You mustmake sureof the time and place.
你必须把时间和地点弄清楚 。
2. write out 写出(篇幅较长的报告或清单);
例句:We had towrite outa list of ten jobs we'd like to do.
我们得列出10种我们想做的工作 。
3. apart from 除…外(尚有);此外;
例句:There was one streetapart froma tributary road near the end of the village.
除了村子尽头的岔道外,还有一条大路 。
4. go by (时间)流逝,过去;
例句:As timegoes by, Chlorophytum also accompany me with a long high, with thrive.
随着时间的流逝,吊兰也伴我一同长高,一同茁壮 。
5. on end 连续地;持续地;
例句:He is a wonderful companion and we can talk for hourson end.
他是个非常好的同伴,我们可以连续聊上好几个小时 。
6. take in 吸收;领悟;
例句:As you read, youtake inideas rapidly and accurately.
阅读过程中,你在迅速而准确地吸收思想 。
7. even though 即使;尽管;纵然;
例句:He likes to give way to displayeven thoughhe is not rich at all.
他根本不富有,但却喜欢讲排场 。