Hanna: Hi, I'm Hanna from Australia.
汉娜:嗨,我是汉娜,来自澳大利亚 。
Diego: And I'm Diego from Mexico.
迭戈:我是迭戈,来自墨西哥 。
Hanna: And today we're going to be talking about leadership. Diego, what qualities do you think a good leader needs?
汉娜:今天要讨论的问题是领导力 。迭戈,你认为优秀领导人应该具备哪些特质?
Diego: I don't know Hanna, let me think about it. I believe that a good leader should first have the initiative to start things and take the lead in everything from organizing activities to speaking before everyone else.
迭戈:汉娜,我不太清楚,让我想一下 。我认为一名优秀的领导人应该首先有做事情的积极性,无论是组织活动还是面向所有人发表讲话,都要发挥主导作用 。
Hanna: Yeah, I think charisma's a really important thing. If you can make a speech before a whole lot of people and have them listen to you, I think that makes you a leader. It doesn't matter what you say, people are always going to listen to what you're last saying if you have a lot of charisma. Do you agree?
汉娜:对,我认为号召力非常重要 。如果你能面向一大批人发表讲话,让他们听从你,那你就能成为领导人 。如果你很有领袖气质,那无论你说什么,人们会一直听从你的指挥 。你同意吗?
Diego: Yep and I think relations with people are really important. The way you treat people, it's the way those people are going to respect you. So if you have good relationships with people, those people are always going to follow you regardless of what you say and what you do. So I think it has a lot to do with how you treat people in the end.
迭戈:同意,我认为与他人的关系也很重要 。你对待别人的方式就是别人会尊重你的方式 。如果你和人们关系良好,那他们会一直追随你,无论你说什么,无论你做什么 。所以,我认为从根本上来说,这和你如何对待他人有很大关系 。
Hanna: Yeah.
汉娜:对 。
1. take the lead 领先,带头;
例句:We will continue to be vigilant and to take the lead on all aspects of tobacco control.
我们将继续保持警惕并在烟草控制的各个方面发挥带头作用 。
2. a whole lot of 一大堆, 许多许多的;
例句:Pour a whole lot of cold water over the rice, and bung it in the oven.
往米中倒入大量凉水,然后放在炉子上 。
3. regardless of 不顾;不管;不论;
例句:The fields give high and stable yields regardless of climatic circumstances.
不管天气条件如何,这块地总是保持稳产高产 。
4. in the end 最后;终于;
例句:I had deluded myself into believing that it would all come right in the end.
我骗得自己相信最后一切都会好起来 。