Todd: Mike, we're talking about diabetes. Often I hear about diabetes Type 1 and diabetes Type 2. What's the difference?
托德:迈克,我们来谈谈糖尿病 。我听说有1型糖尿病和2型糖尿病 。这两种有什么区别?
Mike: That's right, Todd. There are two types of diabetes. There is. There's two types. There's Type 1 diabetes and there's Type 2. Type 1 is usually attributed to genetics and generally Type 1, it can happen at any age but it tends to happen when people are younger, and then for some reason, they still don't know why, but the pancreas, an organ in your body, it stops producing insulin, which is a hormone, and when that happens, you instantly become diabetic, and that's Type 1 diabetes. Now, Type 2 diabetes, generally speaking, is because of diet related issues. People who tend to have poor diets, or tend to be very overweight, and again I'm generalizing of course, so there's probably very healthy fit Type 2 diabetics that can still get it but generally, what I think happens with Type 2 diabetes, this is just a theory, that you put so much strain on your pancreas to produce insulin for all the sugar that you're eating that it just stops, it just runs out of insulin and slowly, slowly starts to slow down.
迈克:没错,托德 。糖尿病有两种类型 。有两种类型的糖尿病 。分别为1型糖尿病和2型糖尿病 。1型糖尿病和遗传有关,通常来说,基于某些原因,1型糖尿病可能在任何年龄断发病,多发生在青年时期,不过现在医学界还不知道原因,当身体里的胰腺这个器官不再生产胰岛素这种激素,人就会患上糖尿病,这种就属于1型糖尿病 。而一般而言,2型糖尿病与饮食有关 。总的来说,可能饮食不良或超重都会引发2型糖尿病,可能非常健康的人也会得2型糖尿病,不过我认为从理论上说,是因为胰腺为了能产生分解摄入糖分的胰岛素而承受了太多压力,导致胰腺停止工作,无法再产生胰岛素,所以胰腺一点一点地停止工作 。
Todd: So basically if you have a really poor diet, and you eat a lot of sugar and you don't exercise then you increase your chances....
Mike: Definitely. Definitely. You're increasing your chances. I'm sure of that.
迈克:没错,就是这个意思 。这样会增加患病机率 。我确定会这样 。
Todd: Right. So, I think these days, one of the biggest problems is probably soda. I know I drink too much soda, so being a diabetic, do you ever drink soda or sweet drinks?
托德:好 。我想这些天最大的问题可能是苏打汽水 。我知道我喝了太多苏打汽水,你是糖尿病患者,你会喝苏打汽水或是甜饮料吗?
Mike: Well, of course I do but like non-sugar sodas, like diet cokes and those kind of things, but of course I drink fruit juices, but generally I drink more water or try to drink drinks that don't have a lot of sugar added in them.
迈克:我当然不会喝,不过我可以喝无糖苏打汽水,或是无糖可乐之类的饮料,我会喝果汁,不过一般我基本上是喝水和不含太多糖分的饮料 。
Todd: Right. Now, actually if you have diabetes 1 or diabetes 2 is the result the same?
托德:好 。1型糖尿病和2型糖尿病的结果一样吗?
Mike: Well, actually there's one major difference and I didn't mention. Type 1 diabetes have to use insulin injections. They have to inject insulin to control the blood sugars. Type 2 diabetes often can take pills, so they don't have to inject themselves, so it's a pretty major difference, I think psychologically, if you have Type 1 or Type 2 diabetes.
迈克:哦,这是我刚才没提到的一个主要不同点 。1型糖尿病必须要注射胰岛素 。医生要为病人注射胰岛素来控制他们的血糖 。2型糖尿病可以吃药治疗,病人不用注射胰岛素,这是最大的不同,我认为1型糖尿病患者和2型糖尿病患者的心理也不同 。
Todd: And are the complications the same?
Mike: Yeah, the complications can be the same. Yeah.
迈克:一样,并发症是一样的 。
Todd: Can you explain what can happen?
Mike: Well, like what happened to me. Generally what happens, the blood sugar clogs your blood vessels inside your body and eventually it leads to things like amputations. It can lead to things like loss of vision. It can lead to all kinds of other health related problems where, you know, circulation is important, so those are probably the biggest... liver disease, or sorry, kidney disease is another big one as well so people often lose their kidneys or their eyes — eyesight — or limbs.
迈克:就像我身上发生的事 。一般来说,血糖会阻塞你身体里的血管,最终可导致截肢 。而且还会导致失明,和其他各种健康问题,循环非常重要,这可能是最严重的……肝病,抱歉,是肾病,糖尿病可能导致肾切除、失明或截肢 。
Todd: That's terrible.
托德:这太糟糕了 。
Mike: Yeah, it is. It's pretty serious.
迈克:对,很糟糕 。会导致非常严重的后果 。
Todd: So the main thing to do to try to prevent it is to have a healthy lifestyle and eat a healthy diet.
托德:所以你要做的事就是尽量防止这些并发症的发生,拥有健康的生活方式,食用健康的饮食 。
Mike: Yeah. Absolutely. Of course for Type 1 I don't think there is much you can really do to prevent it, If you get it, you get it, but definitely for Type 2 that's a good think to do.
迈克:对,没错 。不过就1型糖尿病来说,如果患上1型糖尿病,我认为能阻止并发症发生的措施并不多,不过对2型糖尿病来说,这是很好的建议 。
1. attribute to 把…归因于;把…归咎于;
例句:Iattributehis successtohis energy.
我把他的成功归因于他的精力旺盛 。
2. for some reason 不知为何;不知什么原因;
例句:He seems to have it in for mefor some reason.
不知为什么,他对我耿耿于怀 。
3. happen to (尤指不愉快的事)发生(在…身上);(某人)遭到;遇到;
例句:She looks as if nothing hadhappened toher.
她当时看起来好像什么事都没发生似的 。
4. lead to 招致;致使;导致;
例句:The lack of planleads tooverproduction of cars.
缺乏计划导致汽车生产过剩 。
5. all kinds of 各种类型的;五花八门的;
例句:We now exportall kinds ofindustrial products.
我们现在出口各种工业品 。