Todd: So, Rebecca, now you were saying that were a chef, or you worked in a kitchen in your previous job. Can you talk about that? Like where did you work and what was it like?
托德:丽贝卡,你说过你做过厨师,之前在厨房工作过 。你能谈谈这个经历吗?你之前在哪里工作,那份工作怎么样?
Rebecca: OK, I worked in a few different restaurants over several years, sometimes full-time, sometimes part-time. Sometimes I worked in busy city restaurants, and other times just small cafes doing breakfast, that kind of thing.
丽贝卡:好,过去几年我在不同的餐厅工作过,有时是全职,有时是兼职 。我在繁忙都市的餐厅工作过,也在小咖啡厅负责过早餐 。
Todd: OK, so, you must have had a very busy routine. Can you describe what's the typical workday when you are a chef?
托德:好,你之前的工作肯定很忙 。你能描述一下你当厨师时每天都做些什么吗?
Rebecca: Well, usually you start preparing in the afternoon and that's the quiet part of the day. You don't have any customers. You just come in and you chop up all the vegetables and the things you need to do like that. You cook any food that can be cooked before and organize all the ingredients for the dishes. Then service starts at about six o'clock and that's when it gets really crazy. It's really busy from then on and you have to be very organized and cook everything as fast as possible.
丽贝卡:我通常在下午开始做准备工作,那是一天中最安静的时候 。因为没有客人 。我会走进厨房,把蔬菜切碎,一般都要这么做 。在烹饪之前要把每道菜的配料先准备好 。餐厅在下午6点开始迎来就餐高峰,那个时候真的非常紧张 。从那时起会非常忙碌,要尽快准备然后烹调食物 。
Todd: OK, sounds like a pretty busy schedule. When you're working, what do you enjoy about the job? What makes the job fun and interesting?
托德:听起来真的很忙 。你当厨师时喜欢这个工作哪一点?这份工作有意思的地方在哪里?
Rebecca: Actually, I like the pressure of cooking. It's stressful but it's also exciting. It's like a game. You have to organize everything, and you have to think of sixty things at once. It's a really good atmosphere. Everybody's excited. Everyone has to work together. It's a team job, so you can make really close friends in the kitchen. It's fun to work with them.
丽贝卡:实际上我喜欢烹饪的那种压力感 。这是份有压力的工作,不过同样令人很兴奋 。就像游戏一样 。你要做好一切准备,要同时想60件事 。工作氛围非常好,所有人都很兴奋 。大家要在一起合作 。这个工作需要团队合作,所以可以在厨房交到亲密的朋友 。和他们一起工作很有意思 。
Todd: Is there anything you didn't like? Like maybe the smell of the food or getting dirty or things like that?
Rebecca: No, that didn't bother me, but I used to travel home after work on the bus sometimes and interestingly even when it was full I would have a seat to myself because the smell of the food gets into your clothes, your hair, your skin, everything. You smell like fifty different kinds of food. That's not a good thing.
丽贝卡:都不是,这些都没有让我感到困扰,不过,以前我下班后坐公交回家的时候,即使在公交车非常挤的时候我还是自己坐在座位上,因为食物的味道会沾在衣服、头发和皮肤上 。你身上会散发出50种食物的味道 。这可不是一件好事 。
Todd: Wow. So did you have dogs or anything when you got home that they would be like craving for you to walk through the door?
托德:哇 。你有养狗吗,它会期待你走进家门吗?
Rebecca: No, I didn't have dogs because I was scared they might eat me you know. They might think I was a piece of steak or something.
丽贝卡:没有,我没有养狗,因为我害怕它们会吃了我 。它们也许认为我是牛排之类的食物 。
Todd: Alright thanks, Rebecca.
托德:好,谢谢你,丽贝卡 。
1. chop up 切碎;剁碎;
例句:Chop up three firm tomatoes.
拿3个硬西红柿切碎 。
2. from then on 从那时起;
例句:From then on she knew she would win.
她从那时起就知道自己会得胜 。
3. at once 同时;一起;
例句:You can't be doing two things at once.
不能一心二用 。
4. used to do sth. 过去常常;过去曾;
例句:He used to do such work as he could pick up.
他惯常能够找到什么活就干什么活 。