Todd: What's the last cool thing you bought at a flea market?
Melissa: I bought an old, vintage style radio but that wasn't at a flea market. The last cool thing I bought at a flea market? Well, I kind of went to a ... it was like a flea market. I mean, kids on the university campus were selling their old clothes and stuff and I got this very nice winter jacket for about 50 cents.
梅丽莎:我买了一个老式收音机,不过并不是从跳蚤市场买的 。我上次从跳蚤市场买的好东西?我去了一个类似跳蚤市场的地方 。大学生们在大学校园里转卖旧衣服和旧物品,我花50美分从那里买了一件冬装夹克 。
Todd: 50 cents?
Melissa: Yes.
梅丽莎:对 。
Todd: Wow!
Melissa: Yeah. It's right there. That one. It's green.
梅丽莎:对 。就是那件 。绿色的那件 。
Todd: That's a nice jacket!
Melissa: Thanks.
梅丽莎:谢谢 。
Todd: I like the price. Like, they said, "nope" — 75 cents — too much. 25 cents — too cheap. Now did you actually haggle for 50 cents?
托德:我喜欢这个价格 。他们说,不行,75美分太贵了 。25美分太少了 。你是砍价砍到50美分的吗?
Melissa: No, now that jacket was actually that price, but some other kids at a different spot on the same site were doing a game where you shoot down things with this kind of play gun and get points and then depending on how many points you got, you could choose from a different group of stuff. So, I was shooting for a CD-Stereo, but I ended up only getting a jacket and and a hat and some accessories like a watch and a necklace. Yeah, so that was kind of disappointing cause I ended up walking away with a bunch of stuff I didn't want or need. That was good on their behalf. I thought that was good sales tactic, cause I thought I was playing a game and I was enjoying shooting stuff down and getting points but then I realized I was acquiring these things I didn't need.
梅丽莎:不是,其实那件夹克就卖那个价钱,有些学生会在其他地方设置游戏摊位,你可以用玩具枪射击攒积分,依据积分选择物品 。我本来想射击的是CD音响,不过最后我的积分只能得到一件夹克、一顶帽子还有手表和项链等饰品 。这有点令人失望,因为我只能带走我不想要和我不需要的物品 。不过从卖家的角度来说是好事 。我想这是一种很好的销售技巧,我开心地玩了射击游戏,攒了积分,不过我没有得到我需要的物品 。
Todd: Right, right.
托德:嗯,好 。
1. shoot down 击落;
例句:The wings of the bird fluttered after it had been shot down.
那鸟被击落后翅膀仍在抖动 。
2. depend on 取决(于);有赖(于);
例句:How much can you get depend on how much you pay.
你能得到多少取决于你付出了多少 。
3. end up 最终;结果;到头来;
例句:I must play my spare time well, or I end up doing nothing.
我必须善于利用空闲的时间,否则生命将会在无所事事中告终 。
4. a bunch of 大量;大批;
例句:John has a bunch of friends and often gets their help.
约翰有一帮朋友并且经常得到他们的帮助 。
5. on one's behalf 为(某人);替(某人);
例句:He's not here. I'll sign for these documents on his behalf.
他不在,我代他签收这些文件 。