Todd: OK, Mark you said that you want to own your own home.
托德:好,马克,你说过你想拥有自己的房子 。
Mark: That would be nice, yes.
马克:对,那样就太好了 。
Todd: So let's say you can have any home in the world. You can make your dream home, reasonable dream home. OK, what kind of house would you have?
托德:假说你可以在世界任何地方拥有房屋 。你可以建造自己的梦想之家,合理的梦想之家 。那你会想拥有什么样的房子?
Mark: Well, I don't normally dream of like an enormous mansion, or anything. Just a nice, you know, medium to large size home. I guess almost more importantly for me is to have some land with the house, like I don't like, I wouldn't want my neighbor to be, you know, just three feet away from my house. I'd like to have a little bit of space.
马克:其实我并不梦想拥有巨大府邸之类的房屋 。你知道,我只想拥有一个中型至大型规模的房子 。我认为对我来说更重要的是房子要拥有一些土地使用权,因为我不希望我的邻居离我只有三英尺的距离 。我希望有一些空间 。
Todd: OK, so assuming you have a big yard and you have this space, you have land, what kind of landscape would you have?
Mark: Well, I grew up in Alabama and I really like the landscape there. It's kind of hilly and lots of trees and lots of pine trees, you know, it's a deciduous area of America, and lots of lakes so I guess, you know, that kind of setting, like a deciduous you know, lots of trees, lots of lakes, you know, or some water nearby and hills: things like that.
马克:嗯,我在阿拉巴马州长大,我非常喜欢那里的景色 。那是丘陵地带,有很多树木,很多松树,那里是美国的落叶林区,而且也有很多湖泊,我希望房子建在那种地方,在落叶区,有很多树、很多湖,小区附近就有水源,我希望是这样的 。
Todd: OK, but actually, what would you want your yard to look like?
Mark: Oh, I see.
马克:我想想 。
Todd: You don't want a lake, right?
Mark: No, no, but, yeah, I don't know, I would want it to be taken care of, but not overly manicured, like I don't want it to be, you know, too much pruning, just, but I wouldn't want it to be completely wild either, so green but not like a just completely perfect square, or anything. I'd like for it to be a little bit, chaotic.
马克:不,不想,我也不清楚,我希望我的院子修剪整齐,但不希望过度修剪,我不希望树木过多地修枝,但我也不想让它们疯狂生长,我希望院子里有草坪,但不希望它是完美的正方形 。我希望院子能稍微有些乱 。
Todd: OK, so what do you want: a big bathroom, small bathroom, big kitchen, small kitchen?
Mark: Big bathrooms, big kitchen. Yeah. The bigger, the better!
马克:大浴室和大厨房 。越大越好!
Todd: The bigger, the better.
托德:越大越好 。
Mark: Yeah.
马克:对 。
Todd: Two car garage?
Mark: Sure. That'll be fine. And actually the way the house is decorated, you know, if I'm married, my wife can decorate most of the house but I'd like to have one room that was my room, like that, you know, maybe I could put a small library and lots of books, maybe a pool table but one room that I got to do, you know, my own thing with.
马克:对,很好 。至于房子的装修,如果我结婚了,我妻子可以装饰房子的大部分地方,但我希望有一间是我自己的房间,这样我可以弄个小型图书馆,在里面放许多书,也许再放一个台球桌,我希望那个房间是我可以做自己事情的地方 。
Todd: Yeah, man. You need your territory.
托德:好 。你需要你自己的空间 。
Mark: Yeah, just that one room.
马克:对,只要一个房间就可以 。
1. let's say
eg. Let's say each of those five partners has at least seven other investments each.
我们假设这五个合作伙伴每家在其他领域至少有七处投资 。
eg. Let's say you've never read a book on investing.
假如你从未读过投资类书籍 。
2. dream of
eg. Her dream of becoming a film star was set at naught after a car accident.
她想成为电影明星的梦想在一次车祸后化为乌有 。
eg. He dreams of one day becoming a famous violinist.
他梦想有朝一日成为著名的小提琴家 。
3. or anything
eg. He wasn't irritable or snappy or anything, just slightly perplexed.
他并不是爱发火或爱起急什么的,他只是有点困惑 。
eg. Do you need any help setting up or anything? I'd be glad to help.
需要帮忙布置或准备什么吗?我很乐意帮忙 。
4. away from
eg. The mall is only one mile away from here.
购物中心离这儿只有一英里远 。
eg. They are still six miles away from the gymnasium.
他们距离体操房仍然是六英里 。
5. take care of
eg. We need to take care of her for a little while.
我们应该照顾她一段时间 。
eg. He had no one to take care of him.
他无人照顾 。