Todd: So, Alexandra you were talking about a hurricane. What hurricane were you talking about?
Alex: I was talking about Hurricane Andrew, and as I said before, it was a category 5 hurricane. I was not in the city when it came through, however I did come back about 24 hours later and the difference in the city was amazing. I was driving down in the morning and it was before sunrise. There was no lights south of maybe Brower county, which is the next county north of Miami. It was dark. Normally when you travel on a highway, there's lights on either side. There's lights of the city,the buildings, the waterways. Everythings lit. It's very strange to drive down a city with the only lights being from your car and as I was getting closer to where I lived, there was no lights. You had to be careful. There were things in the street. We even had friends who kept driving past the street where they lived but didn't recognize it because everything had changed. There was, all the markers, the trees, buildings, had completely either been demolished, or just weren't there anymore. So I had one friend pass his street 3 times before he realized it was his street, so yeah, a lot of destruction, a lot of people were in shock.
。飓风发生的时候我并不在那座城市,大约24小时后,我回来看到的那座城市跟之前的样子完全有天壤之别 。我是早上,日出之前回去的 。大概是布劳尔市南部没有一丝灯光,那是北迈阿密附近的城市 。很黑 。正常来说,当你在高速路上开车的时候,路两边都亮着灯 。照亮了城市,建筑物,还有水上交通 。照亮了一切事物 。单凭着自己的车灯开回那所城市真的很奇怪,而且快到家的时候还是没有灯 。你必须要加倍小心,街道上哪哪都是东西 。甚至我有朋友就在他家附近开车转了一圈又一圈,但还是认不出到底是哪,因为所有的东西都变样了 。处处都留有印记,树,建筑物,不是被完全破坏了就是完全不存在了 。所以我有个朋友就在他感觉是他家的那条街道上转了三圈,所以说,有很大程度的破坏,而且人们都处于极度震惊的状态 。