Todd: OK, Terry, now when you take your bike trips, when you bicycle across America or down the West Coast, what is a typical day? Like how would you start your day and how would you finish your day on the bicycle?
Terry: Well, a typical day, I'm camping usually, so I usually get up at or near sunrise, sometimes I get up slightly before sunrise, and I have to pack up all of my camping gear, stuff the sleeping bag in a stuffed sack, roll up my air mattress, pack up the tent, and then eat breakfast and then I usually try and, you know, do the daily essentials and then hit the road. I usually try to be on the road on the road sometime around 7, 7:30 in the morning, depending on when the sun comes up. But I like to go cycling early in the morning because it's cooler and there's, you tend to see more wildlife and I just think it's a nicer time of day, especially if you're riding in the summer, it tends to get warmer, as the day goes on, so, and then I usually try and hit, find a campground sometime in the afternoon and then the process starts again in setting up camp, setting up a tent and whatnot. Um, during the day, I'm usually cycling, actually cycling for 5 to 6 hours a day and then taking two or three hours off, various breaks, and eating lunch and whatnot, and then usually in the afternoon, I stop and buy some food, that I can cook, so I can cook dinner in camp and have breakfast the next morning. Oh, that's pretty cool.
泰瑞:一天的行程,基本上我在自行车旅行时是露营,所以我大概会在日出的时候起床,有时我会在日出前起床,我要收拾露营用品,把睡袋装进包里、把气垫床卷起来、把帐篷收好,然后开始吃早饭,一般我会准备好日常用品好再出发 。我会在早上七点或七点半左右出发,这要取决于太阳升起的时间 。我喜欢在清晨骑自行车,因为那个时候天气凉爽而且能看到很多野生动物,我认为那是一天中相对美好的时间,尤其是在夏天骑行时,随着时间一天天过去,天气越来越暖和,下午的时候我会找好露营地,然后又是一样的过程,把帐篷支好等诸如此类的事情 。嗯……一般我每天骑行五六个小时,然后休息两三个小时,吃午饭或之类的,下午的时候我会停下来买一些食物,这样我就可以在营地做晚饭和第二天的早饭了 。这非常酷 。
Todd: So you just pay for everything with a credit card, or you bring cash, or?
Terry: Oh, both. Especially in the Unites States, with debit cards you can get cash back when you're buying food at a grocery store or so. It's always nice to have cash to pay for incidentals and...
泰瑞:哦,都会用到 。尤其像在美国,你用借记卡在杂货店之类的地方买食物会返还现金 。用现金买一些小东西非常方便 。
Todd: Well, that's interesting. You said that you see wildlife. What wildlife would you see?
托德:这很有趣 。你说过你看到过野生动物 。你看到了什么野生动物?
Terry: Oh, on this trip, as an example: elk and deer and raccoon and possums and turtles and snakes and all kinds of wildlife.
泰瑞:哦,以这次旅行为例:我看到了麋鹿、梅花鹿、浣熊、负鼠、乌龟、蛇等各种野生动物 。
Todd: You know, have you almost ever hit an animal?
Terry: I haven't. I don't think I've ever come close to hitting an animal, no.
泰瑞:没有 。我想我离它们的距离不足以撞到它们 。
Todd: Well, speaking of being hit, have you had any close calls with cars?
Terry: Um, well, that's kind of, I think goes with the territory, so to speak. I've never come close to getting hit but I certainly feel like on occasion, I've been, I've had vehicles come closer to me that I wanted them to close, and, kind of, the real bug-a-boo for cyclists is logging trucks, and back east, coal trucks, they're just, they can be really terrifying when they are going by and you're cycling down the road.
泰瑞:嗯,我觉得可以这么说,这是难免的 。我会和汽车保持距离,从来没有被撞过,不过有时我喜欢汽车离我近些,我想让它们近一些,对骑车族来说真正的威胁是木材车和煤车,在骑行时要是这些车经过你旁边会非常可怕 。
Todd: I bet. Wow. OK, thanks Terry.
托德:我相信 。哇,好的,谢谢你,泰瑞 。
1. pack up
eg. He packed up and was ready to go.
他整理好行装准备出发 。
eg. I'll have to pack up as quickly as possible.
我要尽快地打点行装 。
2. roll up
eg. Stein rolled up the paper bag with the money inside.
斯坦把装了钱的纸袋卷了起来 。
eg. We will need to roll up the carpet.
我们得把地毯卷起来 。
3. hit the road
eg. I was relieved to get back in the car and hit the road again.
回到车里重新上路后,我松了一口气 。
eg. Let hit the road, or we will be late the show.
4. and whatnot
eg. The women were there in their jeans and T-shirts and overalls and whatnot.
女人们穿着牛仔裤、T恤、工装裤等等这类衣服在那个地方 。
eg. I like to read books on different topics - medicine, energy, arts and whatnot.
我喜欢看各种不同科目的书,像医学、能源、艺术等等 。
5. speaking of
eg. Speaking of playing the piano, I am all thumbs.
说起弹钢琴,我真是笨手笨脚的 。
eg. Speaking of tennis, Daniel is the best.
说起网球,丹尼尔才是最棒的 。
6. close call
eg. Joe had a close call when his motorbike nearly collided with a lorry.
乔的摩托车差点同卡车相撞,他侥幸地躲过了 。
eg. The bus almost ran him over. It was a close call.
那辆汽车差点把他碾死,真可谓死里逃生 。
7. so to speak
eg. I ought not to tell you but I will, since you're in the family, so to speak.
我本来不该告诉你的,但我还是要这么做,因为好歹你是家里的一员 。
eg. The five countries have now all passed, so to speak, their entry test.
可以说,这5个国家现在都已经通过了入门考试 。
8. on occasion
eg. He treated them seriously and, on occasion, entertained them hilariously.
他对待他们严肃认真,偶尔又逗得他们捧腹不已 。
eg. He has been known on occasion to lose his temper.
大家都知道他有时会发脾气 。