Mark: Hey, Todd, when you look back on your high school experience, do you, in general, do you see it as a positive or a negative experience?
Todd: Oh, definitely positive. It was one of the best times of my life.
托德:哦,绝对是积极的经历 。那是我一生中最好的时光之一 。
Mark: Yeah.
马克:是啊 。
Todd: Oh, it was awesome. I mean, it was being with your friends, and you know, driving for the first time and having your first part-time job and playing sports and going to dances. It was great.
托德:那时真是太棒了 。和朋友们在一起,第一次开车,第一次做兼职,做体育运动,去跳舞等等 。太棒了 。
Mark: Now did, a lot of high schools in the states, I went to high school in the states and a lot of high schools have, there are these clicks, you know, there's like a popular group of kids, and then there are other kids who don't really feel like they belong (right) Yeah, I know you Todd. You strike me as you were probably one of the popular kids, so of course you're gonna think high school was great.
马克:美国的许多高中……我是在美国念的高中,许多高中都有受欢迎的学生,你知道,就是一群受欢迎的孩子,而其他孩子则不属于这一类 。托德,我想你就是属于那种受欢迎的孩子,所以你当然会觉得高中生活很棒了 。
Todd: Well, no, actually, I wasn't one of the popular kids, but I was in the popular group, so I played sports so I was one of the jocks.
托德:不是,实际上我并不是受欢迎的孩子,不过我在一个受欢迎的团体里,我喜欢体育,所以我是运动迷 。
Mark: Yeah, one of the jocks, always, they get into the popular clicks easier. So do you, can you imagine like how somebody might feel that wasn't in one of those groups, that they might have hated high school?
马克:运动迷,很容易成为受欢迎的人 。你有没有想过,不属于受欢迎团体的人可能会讨厌高中生活?
Todd: Well, I don't know who hated high school but I remember there were the motor heads. Those were the guys that were always working on their car. They had really nice cars they fixed up. They probably didn't like high school too much, then there were the drama freaks, and the drama freaks were, they dressed really different and they were kind of into punk at that time. They were very artistic and very creative, very smart, and because they were so different, I think a lot of kids made fun of them, so maybe they didn't like high school.
托德:我不知道有谁讨厌高中生活,不过我记得有那种汽车迷 。那些人总是开着车出现 。他们把车改装的非常好 。他们可能不太喜欢高中,还有那种戏剧迷,他们会穿着奇怪的衣服,痴迷于朋克 。他们有很强的艺术天赋,同时又非常有创造力、又聪明,因为他们与众不同,所以我想有许多孩子会取笑他们,也许他们也不喜欢高中生活 。
Mark: Now were you one of the kids that made fun of them?
Todd: Definitely not. I mean, I was never that way. Actually, I was the kid that somehow was friends with everybody because even though I was with the jocks, I wasn't a good jock. I was a terrible athlete, so I was maybe just surviving by being friends with them anyway, but yeah.
托德:当然不是了 。我从来没有那么做过 。实际上,我当时是那种和所有人都能成为朋友的孩子,虽然我是运动迷,不过我的体育能力并不强 。我是个糟糕的运动员,所以我的生存方式就是和他们成为朋友 。
Mark: Now, you're a good baseball player though, right?
Todd: Actually I was but I didn't play baseball because I, in high school because I, foolishly I wanted to make money. I wanted to get a part-time job and get a car, so I stopped. I played football and basketball, though.
托德:以前是,不过我高中的时候没有打棒球,原因是我愚蠢地认为我应该挣钱 。我想找份兼职,买辆车,所以我就没有打棒球了 。不过我踢足球也打篮球 。
Mark: OK, now most high schools, just about every high school, after ten years, you have a high school reunion. Did you go to your 10-year high school reunion?
马克:好,现在大部分高中,几乎所有高中都会在十年后举行高中同学聚会 。你参加过高中同学10周年聚会吗?
Todd: You know, I did not go to my high school reunion. My friends went and, you know, they said it was a pretty good time and everyone had changed, but I didn't go. Have you been to yours?
托德:我没有参加高中同学聚会 。我朋友们去了,他们说他们度过了美好的时光,所有的人都有所改变,可是我并没有去 。你去了吗?
Mark: I did. I went to mine last year.
马克:我去了 。去年我参加了高中同学聚会 。
Todd: Oh, really. Did everybody still look the same?
Mark: For the most part. What I found interesting is the popular clicks, that I talked about before, they still existed. It was ten years later and it was like all the popular, you know, they're not kids anymore, but all the popular people were hanging out together and all the nerds were kind of standing around on the side and looking lonely and depressed.
马克:大部分是 。我发现了一件有趣的事,我刚才提到的那些受欢迎的学生现在依然受欢迎 。10年之后,那些人已经不再是孩子了,不过这些受欢迎的人会一起活动,而所有的书呆子就会站在一边,看起来孤独又沮丧 。
Todd: Wow.
托德:哇 。
Mark: Yeah it as kind of sad.
马克:对啊,有点悲伤 。
1. fix up
eg. I've fixed up Matthew's old room.
我已经把马修原来住的房间装饰了一番 。
eg. The whole block is being fixed up.
整个街区都在进行装修 。
2. make fun of
eg. In general, people don't like to be made fun of.
大体上讲,人们都不喜欢被捉弄 。
eg. Don't make fun of others. It is impolite.
别取笑别人,那是不礼貌的 。
3. for the most part
eg. His design, for the most part, correspond with the actual needs.
他的设计绝大多数情况下都符合实际需要 。
eg. For the most part, we play tennis on Sunday morning.
星期天上午我们多在半在打网球 。