Todd: Keiko, my family is coming to Japan to see me and it's the first time they've been to Japan. What do you recommend? Like what should we see? They are going to be in Tokyo for one week.
托德:惠子,我家人要来日本看我,这是他们第一次来日本 。你有什么推荐吗?我们应该去哪里观光?他们会在东京待一周的时间 。
Keiko: OK. Do they want to go outside of Tokyo or do they want to stay in Tokyo?
惠子:好 。他们想去东京以外的地方吗?还是就在东京转转?
Todd: I think they would like to do one day, a one-day trip outside and then maybe spend the rest of the time in Tokyo.
托德:我想他们可能会有一天去其他地方看看,其他时间都在东京 。
Keiko: OK, I think, a lot of people say that Tokyo is not really Japan, you have to go outside of Tokyo to really see Japan because Tokyo is like New York in the states, but I don't think it's true because if you go to downtown in Tokyo you can see a lot of traditional old things for example if you go to places like Asakusa, but in the back streets you can see these old people who grew up in that area, you know doing their own thing in their own little ways and I think Tokyo's quite interesting because you can see, like example, places like Asakusa, you can see on the one side of the street, you can see cosmopolitan, you know, kind of buildings, new buildings and on the other side of the street you can see the old little traditional buildings or the cultures. You can kind of compare at the same time, so I recommend the places like the downtown in Tokyo, Asakusa.
惠子:我想许多人会说,东京并不能代表真正的日本,你要去东京以外的地方看看真正的日本,因为东京就像美国的纽约一样,不过我认为并不是这样,在东京市中心你可以看到许多传统的东西,比如你在浅草的后街可以看到许多在那个地区土生土长的老年人,他们以他们自己的方式生活,我认为东京非常有趣,因为在浅草这样的地方,街道的一侧像大都会一样,你可以看到许多高楼大厦,许多新建筑,而在街道的另一侧你可以看到一些传统建筑,感受到传统文化 。你可以进行比较,所以我建议去东京市中心浅草看看 。
Todd: How about, what city would you recommend besides Tokyo?
Keiko: Besides Tokyo, my favorite — is it just a one-day trip?
Todd: Let's say two days.
托德:假设两天吧 。
Keiko: Two days. Well, if you really had a chance to go really far away, I recommend Shikoku because it's, it has a really nice nature.
惠子:两天 。如果你有机会去远一些的地方,我会推荐四国,因为那里的自然环境非常棒 。
Todd: Now is Shikoku, is that an actual city or an island or?
Keiko: It's a prefectural Shikoku area. It has four prefectures. That's why it's called Shikoku, four countries. It used to be four different countries and you can actually take a bus tour around the four prefectures and then you can see those little small reserved villages between the prefectures.
惠子:四国是日本的一个专区,由四个县组成 。这就是为什么称之为四国了,因为有四个国 。以前那个地区是四个不同的国家,你可以坐巴士浏览那四个县,还可以浏览各县之间保留下来的小村庄 。
Todd: So Shikoku, huh?
Keiko: Shikoku is really nice but you have to fly there so if you only have two days, I recommend you go to maybe Kamakura. You can see the shrines and and temples and Buddha.
惠子:四国是个非常棒的地方,不过你要从东京坐飞机过去,如果你只有两天时间,我建议你去鎌仓 。可以去那里参观神神、寺庙和佛像 。
Todd: So Kamakura. And how far is Kamakura from Tokyo?
托德:鎌仓 。鎌仓离东京有多远?
Keiko: About 2 hours from on the train.
惠子:坐火车大概需要两个小时 。
Todd: That's not too long.
托德:时间还不算太长 。
Keiko: It's not too long and then you can down even further south to Hakone and you can go to a lot of different hot springs.
惠子:对,时间不太长,你可以继续南下前往箱根,可以泡各种不同的温泉 。
Todd: Actually, I'm thinking of taking family to Hakone to hot springs but I worry about the prices. How much would a ryokan, a Japanese hotel cost?
托德:实际上我想过带家人去箱根泡温泉,可是我有点担心价钱 。日本旅馆大概要花多少钱?
Keiko: About maybe 10,000 yen to 20,000 yen per person.
惠子:一个人大概1万日本到2万日元 。
Todd: Oh really?
Keiko: Yeah.
惠子:对 。
Todd: So that's about between a hundred and two hundred U.S. dollars. That's not too much.
托德:那就是100美元到200美元 。还不算太贵 。
Keiko: No, but I mean it can go higher than 20,000 yen. It can always go higher.
惠子:对,不过花费很可能超过2万日元,花费可能会更高 。
Todd: Right. I got to be careful.
托德:好,我会注意的 。
Keiko: Yeah, but you could also find a place between 10,000 yen and 20,000 yen range.
惠子:不过你也可以找到价位在1万日元到2万日元的旅馆 。
Todd: OK, and what — if they could try three Japanese foods, what Japanese foods would you recommend?
Keiko: I recommend sashimi, the raw fish, and I recommend kani-miso, which is the brain of the crab. That's a very kind of, very special kind of a treatment for the guests.
惠子:我会推荐生鱼片,还有蟹脑 。那对客人来说是特别招待 。
Todd: Kani-miso.
托德:蟹脑 。
Keiko: Kani-miso. Because it's so tiny. The brain of the crab is so tiny, and you can't get so much out of one crab so it's quite expensive and you put that on the cracker, so you put that on the rice.
惠子:对,蟹脑 。非常小,蟹脑非常小,一只螃蟹里没有多少,所以价格非常贵,可以放在饼干和米饭上一起吃 。
Todd: Wow! Crab brains.
托德:哇!蟹脑 。
Keiko: Yeah, crab brains, and if you go to Hakone, it's by the sea so, it's close to the sea so you can get a lot of seafood and I also recommend natto just to see their reaction.
惠子:对,蟹脑,箱根靠近海边,如果你去箱根的话,你可以吃海鲜,我也推荐你们吃纳豆,你可以看看他们的反应 。
Todd: Right, ok, thanks a lot, Keiko.
托德:好,非常谢谢你,惠子 。
Keiko: Sure.
惠子:不客气 。
1. would like to do sth. (表示愿意)想要;
例句:We would like to hear your angle in this dispute.
我们想听听你在这场争论中的观点 。
2. for example 例如;比如;
例句:A few simple precautions can be taken, for example ensuring that desks are the right height.
可以采取一些简单的预防措施,比如确保桌子的高度合适 。
3. let's say 比如说;比方说;
例句:Another example, you want to be an artist, let's say a painter, but you can't seem to find time to lift a paintbrush.
再比如你想成为艺术家,比方说画家,但是你好像总是没时间拿起画笔 。
4. used to do sth. 过去常常;过去曾;
例句:We used to hear the train whistle at night.
过去我们常会在晚上听到火车的汽笛声 。