Steve: So do you go by Andrew, or is Andy OK?
Andy: Ah, Andy please.
安迪:请叫我安迪 。
Steve: Can you tell us about the work you do with your website?
Andy: Sure. I've made a website for people to study English using movie trailers. (OK) Movie commercials. (OK) On the site you can see lots of different trailers, over 100, (Wow) and you can do various activities (Right) you can read a summary. You can do a cloze exercise (OK) you can read a script, you can pop, you can click on a vocabulary word and it will show you definitions, example sentences. (OK, OK) yeah, I added little quizes and stuff. (OK) Yeah, it's pretty fun.
安迪:当然可以 。我创立了一个帮助人们用电影预告片学习英语的网站 。(好)电影宣传片(好) 。你可以在网站上看到许多不同的预告片,大约有超过100部预告片,(哇)你可以进行各种活动(好的),也可以浏览摘要 。你可以做填空练习、浏览电影剧本、进行发声练习,你还可以点击一个单词查看它的解释和例句 。(好,好的)嗯,我还加入了一些小测验 。(好)真的很有趣 。
Steve: So you have the subtitles on there?
Andy: Ah, no subtitles. It's all English. (OK, yeah) English trailers with English voices only.
安迪:没有字幕 。只有英语 。(好)是只有英语发音的英语预告片 。
Steve: OK, so do you have the transcripts in English? You have the English subtitiles in there?
Andy: Yes, yes, yes. The students can watch the trailers while they read.
安迪:对,没错 。学生们可以一边看字幕一边看预告片 。
Steve: Right. OK.
史蒂夫:好 。
Andy: So, yes.
安迪:就是这样 。
Steve: And what kind of movies have you been able to put into use?
Andy: Oh, gosh, recently we've added "War of the World's".
安迪:哦,天哪,最近我们刚刚加了《世界大战》的预告片 。
Steve: Oh, the H.G. Wells classic.
史蒂夫:哦,H·G·威尔斯的经典作品 。
Andy: Yes, the new Speilberg version.
安迪:对,我们用的是斯皮尔·伯格执导的新版 。
Steve: Oh, OK. OK.
史蒂夫:哦,好的 。
Andy: Yes. Yes. Um, the new "Hitchhiker's Guide to the Galaxy." is going to be up there shortly.
安迪:对 。我们马上会把《银河系漫游指南》的预告片放到网站上 。
Steve: Right. OK.
史蒂夫:好的 。
Andy: It looks like a fun trailer.
安迪:那个预告片看上去很有趣 。
Steve: Excellent. Yeah.
史蒂夫:太棒了 。
Andy: Ah, various genres, too, like computer animation or love stories or action (OK. OK) Yeah something for everybody.
安迪:我们会选取不同体裁的电影,有电脑动画,也有爱情故事和动作片 。(好)是所有人都可以使用的网站 。
Steve: Yeah, and who, which type of people have been accessing the website, and who's getting the most from it?
Andy: Ah, people from all over the world are going now. I've had people e-mail about this site from over 25 different countries, so it's very international.
安迪:嗯,现在全世界各地的人们都会访问我们的网站 。我收到的电子邮件来自全球25个国家,所以这是很国际化的 。
Steve: Excellent. Excellent. And how long have you had this website up?
史蒂夫:太棒了,真棒 。那你的网站创建多长时间了?
Andy: Almost three years now. (Yeah) I guess, yeah about three years.
安迪:将近三年了 。(嗯)我想差不多有三年了 。
Steve: Wow. OK. It sounds extremely interesting. I'll be very much looking forward to having a look at it myself. How can I access this website?
史蒂夫:哇 。听起来真的很有意思 。我自己也很想浏览这个网站 。我怎么访问这个网站呢?
Andy: The URL iswww.english-trailers.com
安迪:网址是www.english-trailers.com 。
Steve: OK, sounds great, Andy, Good luck with it.
史蒂夫:好的,听起来真棒,安迪,祝你的网站好运 。
1. click on
eg. I clicked on a link and recent reviews of the production came up.
我点击了一个链接,有关该剧的最新评论弹了出来 。
eg. If you get stuck, click on Help.
如果碰到疑难,就点击“帮助” 。
2. put into use
eg. The first digital computer was put into use in 1944.
一九四四年,第一台二位制计算机投入了使用 。
eg. Similar methods are being put into use on a wide scale.
类似的方法正广泛采用 。
3. look forward to doing sth.
eg. The one thing I look forward to is going punting in Cambridge.
我期盼的一件事就是在剑桥乘坐平底船畅游 。
eg. Well, we shall look forward to seeing him tomorrow.
嗯,我们期待着明天与他会面 。