Nicola: So, Cat, I'd like to ask you more about your job. What exactly does an O. T. do?
尼科拉:凯特,我想问你更多有关你工作的事情 。职业治疗师具体都做些什么?
Cat: Occupational therapists work with people who have had accidents or disabilities, help them regain function and so that they can be independent in the activities that they enjoy doing, so the occupation and occupational therapies, the activities people enjoy doing every day and it looks into, instead of physiotherapy works with just the muscles and building muscles, so they just do repetitions, but occupational therapy incorporates things that people actually enjoy doing into the activities for therapy, if that makes sense. It's kind of broad but yeah!
凯特:职业治疗师接触的是那些发生过事故或是有残疾的人,帮助他们恢复机能,帮助他们恢复机能,让他们能独立进行他们喜欢的活动,所以职业治疗师会参与人们每天喜欢做的活动并进行研究,而不只是进行物理疗法,只是塑造肌肉之类的事情,那些只是在做重复性的工作,但是职业治疗师在治疗过程中会涉及人们真正喜欢做的事情,希望你能明白 。这项工作非常广泛,对!
Nicola: So, it's kind of getting them back into their own life, their normal life? So, for example, if they've had an accident, is it or, for young people or old, or?
Cat: Yeah, it's the whole span of people, but um, yeah, people, for instances if a child has had an accident their main occupation is play so, you want to get them back into as much play as they can, and get them as strong as you can, so you can do that through play, but an adult you want to try and get them back into, say if they enjoy sewing or riding or surfing or those kinds of activities, as the O. T. you try to incorporate that into the therapy that you do with them, as much as you can. It depends on their injury.
凯特:对,包括所有人群,举个例子来说,如果一个孩子发生了事故,针对他们的主要活动就是玩耍,你希望让他们回到玩闹的生活,让他们变得跟你一样强壮,这可以通过玩耍来实现,但是如果你试图让一名成年人恢复原本的生活,如果他们喜欢缝纫、骑马、冲浪或是其他活动,作为一名职业治疗师,你就要努力把那些活动纳入到治疗中,你要尽量和他们一起做这些事情 。这要取决于他们的伤情 。
Nicola: OK, so where are you working now as an O. T.?
Cat: Right now, I'm working in hospital at Lismore, and it's more of an acute care setting so people who have had major injuries or accidents and it's pretty much just helping them move on to the next step, either going home or going to another hospital and organizing the things that they need to be able to get back to the activities of daily living. (Wow) It's kind of complicated, but that's the basics of it, but it's a little bit more than that.
凯特:目前我在利斯莫尔的医院工作,不仅仅是急性照顾设置,如果人们的伤势严重或是遭遇严重的事情,就要帮助他们继续下一阶段,帮助他们回家或是帮助他们转到另一家医院,而且还要组织他们回到正常的日常活动中所需要的事情 。(哇)有点复杂,不过基本上来说就是这样,但是其实要做的事情比这要多 。
Nicola: That sounds pretty challenging.
尼科拉:那听起来很有挑战性 。
Cat: Yeah, it's good.
凯特:对,那很好 。
Nicola: OK, so thanks for talking to us and all the best in your work.
尼科拉:好的,谢谢你和我们交流,祝你工作一切顺利 。
1. make sense
eg. His logic is too loose to make much sense.
他的推理太不严密,没什么道理 。
eg. What you say does not make sense to me.
你说的话我弄不明白 。
2. incorporate into
eg. The agreement would allow the rebels to be incorporated into a new national police force.
协议将允许把叛军收编入一支新的国家警备部队 。
eg. The party vowed to incorporate environmental considerations into all its policies.
该党宣誓要把环境因素纳入它所有的政策当中 。
3. more of
eg. This is more of a sitting room than a kitchen.
与其说这是一个厨房还不如说这是一个起居室 。
eg. To be honest, she was more of a hindrance than a help.
说实在的,她没帮上忙,反而成了累赘 。
4. move on to
(结束某活动后) 改做别事;
eg. She ran this shop for ten years before deciding to move on to fresh challenges.
在决定涉足新的领域时,她经营这家商店已有10年 。
eg. His mother, Julia, soon moved on to a new relationship.
他妈妈朱莉娅很快又开始了一段新恋情 。
5. all the best
eg. Wish him all the best, and tell him we miss him.
祝他一切顺利,告诉他我们想念他 。
eg. All the best with your family.
祝你全家都好 。