Todd: OK. Jamie. We're back.
杰米,我们开始吧 。
Jamie: OK.
好的 。
Todd: Jamie, you're a businessman.
杰米,你是一名商人 。
Jamie: Sometimes.
有时是 。
Todd: OK, so..
Jamie: Not this week.
至少这周不是 。
Todd: Not this week! OK. Um. we're going to talk about globalization.
这周不是!好吧,我们来聊聊全球化 。
Jamie: OK.
好的 。
Todd: What do you think about globalization?
Jamie: Globalization! I'm not really sure, I have a clear definition of what globalization is, but if globalization is several nations trading on the open, or semi-regular basis then I think globalization is a relatively positive thing.
全球化!我不确定我是否对全球化有一个清晰的概念,但如果全球化是指国家间公开进行贸易,或是经常定期地进行交易,那么我认为全球化是一件相对积极的事情 。
Todd: Yeah!
Jamie: For, certainly for the countries that are involved in the, in the business that is going on between the nations that are obviously involved with that business.
当然,这样进行的贸易是国家之间的贸易,与参与国有着息息相关的联系 。
Todd: Yeah. OK. Great. So do you think it makes the world a better place?
好的,很棒 。那么你认为这样会让世界更加和谐吗?
Jamie: Yeah, the world a better place? No, I don't think it make the world a better place. I think it's just good for the countries that are directly and indirectly involved with the business that is going on between countries.
让世界变得更好?不,我不认为这样会使世界变得更好 。我认为这样只会使直接参与或是间接参与贸易的国家带来好处,而这样的贸易还会在这几个国家之间进行 。
Todd: OK. Great. Thanks a lot.
好的,很棒,谢谢你 。
Jamie: My pleasure.
不客气 。
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