Todd: So, Jeyong, you were telling me that you like to travel.
托德:在英,你说过你很喜欢旅行 。
Jeyong: Yes, very much.
在英:对,非常喜欢 。
Todd: Now, this is interesting. Who do you normally travel with?
托德:这很有意思 。一般你都和谁一起旅行?
Jeyong: You would be kind of surprised to hear this, but then, I normally travel with my dad.
在英:你听到我的答案会有点吃惊的,我通常都和我爸爸一起旅行 。
Todd: Wow. That's so cool. Why is that?
托德:哇 。太酷了 。为什么呢?
Jeyong: That will be first of all because my dad goes on a business trip very often and I ask him if I can follow him most of the time and he would say yes, and I would just have time with him on his business trip and traveling around.
在英:首先,因为我爸爸经常出差,我问他出差期间我能不能大部分时间都跟着他,他说可以,所以我就可以跟他去出差,顺便四处旅行 。
Todd: That's really cool. What kind of business does your father do?
托德:这真的太酷了 。你父亲是做什么生意的?
Jeyong: He's in apparel.
在英:他做服装生意 。
Todd: Apparel.
托德:服装 。
Jeyong: Export.
在英:服装出口 。
Todd: Oh, really.
Jeyong: Yes.
在英:对 。
Todd: So does he teach you the secrets about business?
Jeyong: Not that much about business, but then traveling around he teaches me about differences between all the cultures of countries.
在英:并没有教我太多,不过我跟他一起旅行时,他教了我很多各国的文化知识 。
Todd: That's fantastic.
托德:那太棒了 。
Jeyong: How importat that is.
Todd: So what countries have you been to with your father?
Jeyong: A lot to name, actually. Do you want me to name all those?
在英:我们去过很多国家 。你想让我都说出来吗?
Todd: Well, how about which ones do you remember the most?
Jeyong: I remember the most about Europe. I went to France, England, Switzerland and Roma so those four places were very interesting for me, and other than that, I went to Cambodia, Vietnam, Guam, and so on.
在英:我印象最深的是欧洲 。我去过法国、英国、瑞士和罗马,我认为这四个地方非常有趣,除此之外,我还去过柬埔寨、越南、关岛等国家 。
Todd: What was Cambodia like?
Jeyong: Cambodia is a really memorable trip for me with my dad because it was really interesting how many people live in boats on the water. There's a society in Cambodia like that and then it was really sad looking at them how they own much money and they have to spend their day using a dollar.
在英:对我和我爸爸来说,柬埔寨之行非常难忘,因为那里有许多人住在船上,这很有意思 。,这很有意思 。柬埔寨社会的情况就是这样,看他们挣钱还有每天只能花1美元感觉很难过 。
Todd: So not very much, but did the people seem happy in Cambodia?
Jeyong: They did look happy, happier than the people where I come from.
在英:他们看起来很开心,比我家乡的人们要开心 。
Todd: That's kind of interesting. Yeah, I used to live in Thailand and I kind of felt the same way to, although Thailand is very developed. Any other places that you've been to?
托德:这很有意思 。我在泰国生活过一段时间,我觉得那里的人们也是这样,虽然泰国发展的很好 。你还去过其他地方吗?
Jeyong: Other places? Maybe in The States.
在英:其他地方?我还去过美国 。
Todd: Oh, really. Where did you live in the States? Or what did you do in the States?
Jeyong: When I was in elementary school, I lived in Ann Arbor, Michigan, for five years but after that I also went travelling around the other states, such as San Francisco in California, Los Angeles and New York City, where I like the most and Florida. All the beaches.
在英:我上小学时在密歇根州安阿伯市生活过五年,之后我还去美国其他州生活过,加州旧金山、洛杉矶还有纽约市,我都去过,我最喜欢的是佛罗里达州 。那里有非常多的海滩 。
Todd: Now, I'm from San Francisco and you said you like New York better that San Francisco, so I have to ask why.
托德:我来自旧金山,你说过相较于旧金山,你更喜欢纽约 。我一定得问下为什么 。
Jeyong: Why? Because the people in New York, how they live their life, it looks cool.
在英:为什么?因为纽约人的生活方式看起来非常酷 。
Todd: Yeah, New Yorkers are pretty cool. OK, well thanks Jeyong. Thanks a lot.
托德:对,纽约人的确很酷 。好,在英,谢谢你 。非常谢谢你 。
Jeyong: No problem. Thank you.
在英:不客气 。谢谢你 。
1. first of all 首先;
例句:First of allwe should chase these fears from his mind.
首先我们应当消除他心中的恐惧 。
2. other than (用于否定陈述后)除了…以外;
例句:He had no means of escapeother thanjumping.
除了跳窗,他没有别的逃跑方法 。
3. used to do sth. 过去常常;过去曾;
例句:Iused toswim all the year round.
过去我一年四季都游泳 。
4. such as (用于举例)例如,像,诸如;
例句:Many things pollute water,such astires, trash, and plastic bags.
很多东西使水污染,例如轮胎、垃圾和塑胶袋 。