Todd: Hey, Matt, we're gonna talk about adjectives. The theme this week is adjectives, so first of all, when it comes to time, are you normally late or are you always punctual?
托德:嘿,马特,我们要来谈谈形容词 。本周的主题是形容词,首先来谈谈时间,你是经常迟到还是准时?
Matt: Always punctual.
马特:一直准时 。
Todd: Always punctual.
托德:一直准时 。
Matt: Yeah, I find it very annoying when people are late. I tend to be punctual. I follow kind of a pattern of my dad and my grandfather. My grandfather used to sit in the car for an hour before church, just sitting in the car waiting for the rest of the family to go and my father was the same way, and I used to abhor that type of behavior but actually as I've grown older I found it annoying to be late and when I'm waiting for people and they end up being late, it kind of gets under my skin so I've kind of always followed the punctual route.
马特:嗯,我觉得迟到非常让人生气 。我一般都会准时 。我遵照我父亲和祖父的模式 。我的祖父会在去教堂时提前一个小时坐在车里等待,他就坐在车里等其他家庭成员的到来,我父亲也是一样,我以前非常厌恶这种行为方式,不过在我渐渐长大以后,我发现迟到是件令人非常恼火的事情,我在等迟到的人的时候非常生气,所以我总是准时到达 。
Todd: OK. Thanks. OK. OK, now let's move on to money. Now would you consider yourself to be generous with money and time or stingy?
托德:好,谢谢你 。好,现在我们来谈谈钱 。你认为你自己在金钱和时间方面是慷慨还是吝啬?
Matt: Usually stingy, because I have always been single and I've always been generous with people, like that I have loved and, you know, my family but I kind of just basically take care of myself and I've never had expendable income where I've been able to donate and give money to causes. You know I would love to do that sort of thing but I never have been able to so I've always been careful with my money and I don't take a lot, you know, to live on, and I don't have a lot of vices so.
马特:我一般很小气,因为我一直是单身,我会对别人很大方,比如我爱的人,我的家人,不过我要自己照顾自己,我没有可以消耗的收入,比如能捐赠或投入事业中的钱 。你知道,我想做一些这样的事情,不过我一直没有能力这么做,所以我在花钱时非常谨慎,在生活上我不会花太多,我也没有什么坏习惯 。
Todd: OK, cool Matt. OK, and now let's talk about personality. Let's say if you go to a party or you're meeting people, would you say that you're outgoing or you're shy?
托德:好,马特你真酷 。接下来我们来谈性格 。假如你去参加一个派对,或者要去见朋友,你认为你是外向性格还是比较害羞的性格?
Matt: Generally I'm out going, depending on the alcohol involved. I'm actually kind of shy when I first enter a party like most people and I sort of seek out to find that person or that group of people that I know, but yeah, usually I'm fairly outgoing and I like talking to people and meeting new people.
马特:一般来说我是外向的人,这要取决于我喝了多少酒 。和大多数人一样,派对刚开始时我可能会有点害羞,我会努力去寻找我认识的人,不过一般来说我很外向,我喜欢和人们聊天,喜欢结交新朋友 。
Todd: OK, Matt the last one, we're talking about work or maybe just personal time. Would you say that you're lazy or that you are hard-working?
托德:好,马特,最后一个问题,有关工作和私人时间 。你认为你很懒还是很努力?
Matt: I would say I'm hard-working, mainly at work but I'm very lazy when there is nothing to do, when I have no function in life, when there is nothing going on on the weekends I tend to be very lazy and it's hard to motivate unless I've got like a strict goal that I want to achieve or something I need to do, I tend to putter around and do very little unless I'm forced to.
马特:在工作中我非常努力,不过没什么事可做的时候我很懒,如果生活中没什么事可做,周末没什么活动,那我就会很懒,很难被激发,除非我有一个想达成的严格目标,或者是我有要做的事情,除非我一定要做什么事,否则我就会闲荡,很少做事情 。
Todd: Cool. Thanks for answering the questions, Matt.
托德:真酷 。马特,谢谢你回答我的问题 。
Matt: Sure, you're welcome.
马特:不客气 。
1. first of all 首先;首要;
例句:First of all we should chase these fears from his mind.
首先我们应当消除他心中的恐惧 。
2. take care of 照顾;照看;看护;
例句:As he grew up,he began to take care of himself.
他长大了,开始会照顾自己了 。
3. seek out 寻找到;找出;
例句:llen spent the day in the hills and sought me out when she returned.
埃伦在山里呆了一整天,并于回来后找到了我 。
4. putter around 慢条斯理地工作;悠然自得地做;
例句:I started puttering around outside, not knowing what I was doing...
我开始在外面闲荡,不知道自己在做什么 。