Katya: Hello, I'm Katya from Bulgaria.
卡蒂亚:大家好,我是卡蒂亚,来自保加利亚 。
Ayumi: I'm Ayumi from Brazil.
亚由美:我是亚由美,来自巴西 。
Katya: And today's question is do you remember any school trips? Do you remember any?
Ayumi: I don't know but somehow I always go to the schools that have a lot of school trips, a lot. But one of the most remarkable ones was when I was in Brazil, I went to St Nicholas School and we had this weird trip called Lifeskill Trip so we have to learn how to survive in a desert island. It was really funny because we were taken to this strange island where nobody lived, a desert island. There were no toilets, there were no showers. It was summertime and we have to spend three nights there.
亚由美:我说不好,不过我上的学校经常组织学校旅行 。其中最特殊的一次旅行是我在巴西圣尼古拉斯小学时,学校组织的那场不寻常的“生存技能旅行”,我们要学习在无人荒岛生存的方法 。那非常有意思,因为我们被带到了一个奇怪的岛屿,那里没有人居住,是一座荒岛 。岛上没有卫生间,没有淋浴器 。当时是夏天,我们要在那座岛上住三个晚上 。
Katya: Oh my God.
卡蒂亚:哦我的天哪 。
Ayumi: The first day I remember that I slept on the boat. Everybody slept on the boat but one single small boat, it's not like a cruiser or something, it was an open air boat and I was sleeping next to the Principal that was really kind of weird experience.
亚由美:我记得第一天我们睡在船上 。所有人都睡在船上,那是一艘小船,不是游轮,而是一艘没有遮挡的船,我睡在了校长旁边,那真是一次不可思议的经历 。
Katya: I used to go every year to school trips. Wherever there was a school trip from my high school or elementary school, I was always the first one to sign up because I really like traveling. I'm never going to forget I went to Europe twice where I can see Italy and Switzerland and France. I went to France twice. I was sixteen years old so for me I was very happy because it was very cheap. It was made for students and I had a similar life survival skills experience when I went to Ukraine and there is a school camp. It's called Artec. It's international and we had to wake up at seven in the morning and have exercise and then we had to make our pillows be triangular. It was a bit Soviet Union leftover camping so they really learn you survival skills.
卡蒂亚:我以前每年都去学校旅行 。无论是高中的学校旅行还是小学的学校旅行,我都是第一个报名的,因为我非常喜欢旅行 。我永远不会忘记那两次欧洲旅行,我游览了意大利、瑞士和法国 。我去了法国两次 。当时我16岁,我非常高兴,因为旅行费用很便宜 。我们付的是学生价,我也有过类似的生存技能经历,我去乌克兰参加了名为Artec的学校野营活动 。那是国际活动,我们早上7点就得起床,然后锻炼,之后要把枕头折成三角形 。那有点儿像苏联遗留下来的野营活动,所以要学习生存技能 。
Ayumi: Wow.
亚由美:哇哦 。
1. next to 紧靠…旁边;在…近旁;贴近;
例句:They asked us to pair up with the person next to us and form teams.
他们让我们与身边的人配对组成小组 。
2. used to do sth. 过去常常;过去曾;
例句:Japanese sportsmen used to be strong in the long distance running, and now the Korean athletes are making progress too.
日本运动员过去一直在长跑中表现突出,现在韩国运动员也追上来了 。
3. sign up (和…)签约;雇用;报名(参加课程);
例句:If you want to come in on the project, you must sign up immediately.
如果你想参加这个项目,你必须尽快报名 。
4. wake up 醒;醒来;唤醒;弄醒;
例句:A lot of people wake up every day with a sense of being unsettled and disturbed.
很多人每天起床的时候都感到无法集中精力、心烦意乱 。