Todd: Hello!
Leo: Hello!
Todd: Uh, could you introduce yourself please?
Leo: Sure. My name's Leonard Tui. I'm from Auckland, New Zealand.
里奥:好的 。我的名字是里昂纳多·图伊 。我来自新西兰奥克兰 。
Todd: Wow! Great! Leonard?
Leo: Yes, Leonard.
里奥:对,里昂纳多 。
Todd: OK. Do people call you Leaonard?
托德:好的 。那人们都叫你里昂纳多?
Leo: Some people call me Leonard.
里奥:有些人这么叫我 。
Todd: Leonard!
Leo: Some call me Leo. Some call me Lenny.
里奥:有些人叫我里奥 。有些人叫我莱尼 。
Todd: Oh, wow! Quite, quite a few. Back home, what do your friends call you?
托德:哇哦!好多种叫法啊 。那你家乡的朋友都叫你什么?
Leo: Back home just Leonard.
里奥:家乡的朋友就叫我里奥纳多 。
Todd: Leonard. Oh, OK! Great, um, so tell us about New Zealand.
托德:里昂纳多 。哦,好的!很好,嗯,跟我们说说新西兰吧 。
Leo: Well, I come from Auckland which is the largest city in New Zealand. The total population of New Zealand is just under 4 million. Auckland has roughly the one point two million.
里奥:嗯,我来自奥克兰,那是新西兰最大的城市 。新西兰的人口总数只有不到4百万人 。奥克兰的人口接近120万人 。
Todd: OK. Oh, great.
托德:哦,很好 。
Leo: And, uh, Auckland is in, more near top of the North Island. The weather there is pretty mild.
里奥:奥克兰市的地理位置离新西兰北岛的顶部很近 。那里的天气非常温和 。
Todd: OK. What is the best thing about New Zealand?
托德:好 。那新西兰最好的是什么?
Leo: I would say the outdoors, the nature, just basically getting outside...enjoying life.
里奥:我会说是户外、大自然,就是去户外享受生活 。
Todd: OK. How long has it been since you lived in New Zealand?
托德:好 。你在新西兰生活多长时间了?
Leo: It's been seven years now.
里奥:七年了 。
Todd: Oh, really! Wow, do you miss it?
Leo: I actually miss the, the social side, the family and the outdoors.
里奥:实际上我很想念那里的社会生活,家人,还有户外生活 。
Todd: Yeah, yeah, I hear it's a beautiful place.
托德:嗯,嗯 。我听说那是个 美丽的地方 。
Leo: Oh, it is. Especially in the South Island.
里奥:没错 。尤其是新西兰南岛 。
Todd: Wow! Yeah, I really hope to go there sometime. I hear it's just a fantastic place. OK. Thanks a lot.
托德:哇!嗯,我真希望有时间去看看 。我听说那是个梦幻的地方 。嗯,非常谢谢你 。
Leo: You're welcome.
里奥:不客气 。
1. introduce oneself
eg. Let me introduce myself.
我来自我介绍一下 。
eg. The English teacher is asking her students to introduce themselves.
英语老师正在叫她的学生们作自我介绍 。
eg. She introduce herself with smile.
他微笑着介绍自己 。
2. hope to do sth.
eg. I hope to get a job within the next two weeks.
我希望能在未来两周内找到一份工作 。
eg. We hope to recoup our initial investment in the first year.
我们希望我们的前期投资在第一年就能赚回来 。
eg. I hope to announce the winner shortly.
我希望马上宣布胜利者的名字 。