Todd: So, Matt, what's it like working on a TV set or a movie set?
Matt: Well, of course it's different for every movie and every television show. Movies, most of the time, are going to be on location. When they're not, they're in the studio and you're waiting inside in a big studio. Usually Paramount, of Fox or one of those studio lots and you're behind the scenes waiting basically for your scene to be called. When you get to the movie set in the morning, you give them your role. You check in with wardrobe. Wardrobe gives you your outfit for the day or several outfits depending on the day shoot schedule is like and then you go to make-up, where you get anything: alterations, mustaches, sideburns, wigs, haircuts at some point, sometimes, excuse me. So you have to do all that preparation the first hour and go quickly. Usually the call times — the time you have to meet — is fairly early in the mornings, six, six-thirty, and they like to start filming anywhere between eight and ten o'clock in the morning. There's an hour for lunch. Usually you film and then you get an hour for lunch and depending on how the day goes, you are there until they finish that scene, or those scenes and usually they can run anytime, anywhere from twelve to sixteen hours.
马特:每部电影和每个电视节目的情况都不相同 。以电影为例,大部分时间是在外景拍摄 。如果不是外景就是在摄影棚拍摄,在一间大摄影棚里等待拍摄 。通常是在派拉蒙影业、福克斯公司或其他大型制片厂拍摄,你要在幕后等待你的那场戏开始拍摄 。一般早上抵达电影拍摄现场以后,你就要开始准备自己的戏份 。要和服装部核对 。他们会给你当天拍摄要用到的服装,然后就要去化妆,那里什么都有:装饰、胡子、鬓角、假发等等 。你要在前一个小时迅速做好一切准备 。通常他们叫你候场的时间是清晨,大概是早上6点半左右,他们喜欢在上午8点至10点进行拍摄 。午饭时间是一个小时 。一般你拍摄之后会有一个小时的时间吃午饭,这要取决于当天拍摄的进度,在他们拍摄完那些场景前你要一直待在那里,一般来说他们可能会拍摄12至16个小时 。
Todd: Whoa, that's a long day.
托德:哇,时间好长啊 。
Matt: Yeah. And you get paid double time anything over twelve hours, and I've been on sets where we've gone all night and it just depends on the movie or it depends on the television show. They are all different. There are lots of night shoots where you are filming a party scene or you are filming at a club and you show up anywhere from seven to ten in the evening, check in, have dinner and then a lot of times you can sleep on a chair, you know, the stars will be in their trailers. You don't see them unless they're filming but, yeah, it's just a basicly a waiting game.
马特:对 。如果拍摄超过12个小时,那你就会得到双倍工资,我曾经拍过通宵,不同的电影和电视节目情况也不一样 。每部片子都不一样 。在拍摄派对戏份或是在俱乐部拍摄时会有很多夜戏,你要在晚上7点至10点期间等待拍摄,进行核对,吃晚饭,大部分时间你可以在椅子上睡觉,明星都是在保姆车上休息的 。那些明星拍摄的时候你才能看见他们,其实就是一直在等 。
1. depend on 取决(于);有赖(于);
例句:The outcome will depend on how well we perform.
结果将依我们表现的好坏而定 。
2. have to do sth. 需要;必须;不得不;
例句:Sometimes things have to fall apart to make way for better things.
有时候要到达谷底,才会慢慢变好 。
3. check in 检查;
例句:The final step is to check in with the solution's progress and determine if it is still the right one.
最后一步就是检查方案执行的过程,确定它是否仍然正确 。