Todd: So, Shuan, where are you from?
Shuan: I'm actually, well, I was actually originally born in Hong Kong and I lived in Hong Kong for around six years and then I moved to Canada which is where I am from now.
肖恩:实际上我出生在香港,在香港生活了六年,之后我搬去了加拿大,所以我来自加拿大 。
Todd: Wow, so do you remember Hong Kong?
Shuan: I do. I loved Hong Kong. I still do love Hong Kong. It's always been the city that I was born in, and the city I grew up in.
肖恩:记得 。我热爱香港 。我仍然爱香港 。那是我出生的城市,也是我成长的城市 。
Todd: What do you remember about Hong Kong?
Shuan: The massive buildings, the plethora of people.
肖恩:高楼大厦还有非常多的人 。
Todd: Right, right.
托德:好,好的 。
Shuan: Yeah, and also the toy shops. They were some of the biggest I've ever seen.
肖恩:还有玩具店 。那是我见过的最大的玩具店 。
Todd: Yeah, for a child. Did you actually learn some Chinese when you were there?
托德:的确,对孩子来说是这样的 。你在香港的时候有没有学中文?
Shuan: I did. I used to be able to converse pretty much, basically converse with taxi drivers, shop keepers, people on the street if I ever got lost. I used to be able to actually ask them where, where to go, how long would it take me to get there, but I've seem to have lost all of that now.
肖恩:学了 。我以前能说很多中文,我可以和司机、店主交谈,如果我迷路了我也可以在街上问路 。我以前可以问路,询问到那里的时间,不过现在我好像已经都忘了 。
Todd: It was a long time ago. What was it like moving from Canada, I mean from Hong Kong to Canada?
托德:那是很久以前的事情了 。从香港搬去加拿大的感觉怎么样?
Shuan: It was a big change. I came out of Hong Kong with a really strong British accent, and I spoke just like everyone else I knew spoke in Hong Kong, but when I got to Canada I was made fun of because I said all the other words I pronounced differently to other kids, so it was a weird experience. I got laughed at a whole bunch but now you know, my accent has changed, shifted to a Canadian one. Although, I still have reminants of a British accent.
肖恩:变化非常大 。香港英语的英音口音非常重,在香港的时候大家都这么说英语,所以没问题,可是去加拿大以后,我经常被别人取笑,因为我和其他孩子的发音不同,那是一段很奇怪的经历 。我经常被一群人取笑,不过你知道,现在我的口音已经改过来了,改成加拿大口音了 。不过我可能还会有一些英国口音 。
Todd: OK, actually, when you moved from Hong Kong to, was it, Vancouver?
Shuan: It's Victoria.
肖恩:不是,是维多利亚市 。
Todd: Oh, you lived in Victoria? What was that like going from a big city to Victoria?
Shuan: Ah, it was a depressing change I guess. We had a town house in Hong Kong, and it was just long term friends there, you know friends that I had for a long time ever since I was born and moving to Victoria, it was, it was a shock to me I guess and I needed to make new friends I needed, I needed to find a new place to hang out and since our home in Victoria was out in the country it was nowhere close to the town and there was not bus service at the time. Mind you I was a bit too young to ride the bus but it was just so out of the way that I spend most of my days at home playing with lego.
肖恩:嗯,我认为那是令人沮丧的改变 。我们在香港市内有套公寓,你知道,香港有我出生后就在一起玩的朋友,搬去维多利亚对我来说是个冲击,我要交新朋友,我要重新找可以玩的地方,而且我们在维多利亚的房子在乡村,离城镇很远,当时那里连公交车都没有 。对了提醒你一下,刚搬过去的时候我还太小,不能独自坐公交车,因为房子非常偏远,所以我大部分时间都在家里玩乐高玩具 。
Todd: Rigth, right.
托德:嗯,是啊 。
1. converse with (与…)交谈;(和…)说话;
例句:Luke sat directly behind the pilot and conversed with him.
卢克就坐在飞行员后面,并且和他说着话 。
2. make fun of 取笑;戏弄;拿…开玩笑;
例句:Sometimes I have a hunch that they're all making fun of me.
有时候我觉得他们都在取笑我 。
3. laugh at 嘲笑;讥笑;
例句:People used to laugh at her behind her back.
人们常在背后嘲笑她 。
4. hang out 闲逛,逗留;
例句:I don't wantto hang out with you anymore.
我再也不想和你出去玩了 。