Todd: Richard, do you have a camera?
Richard: I do. I have a video camera. It's over there.
有 。我有一台摄像机,就在那里 。
Todd: Wow! How often do you use it?
Richard: I use the video camera regularly..uh..everytime I go on a trip. Recently I went to Nagasaki.
我定期会使用我的摄像机……我每次旅行的时候我都会用它 。最近一次是我去长崎的时候 。
Todd: Nagasaki!
Richard: With a school trip.
那是一次学校组织的旅行 。
Todd: Who did you go to Nagasaki with?
Richard: I teach at a univeristy called Seisen University. It was a.. a group of students and teachers, and people associated with that university.
我在圣泉大学教书 。我是和学校的学生老师和其他相关人员一起去的 。
Todd: OK, do you mind being photographed?
Richard: No. I like being photographed.
不介意,我喜欢拍照片 。
Todd: OK.
好的 。
Richard: Depending on how I look.
这取决于我的外表 。
Todd: OK.
好的 。
Richard: If I'm presentable.
如果我看上去像样 。
Todd: When you have your picture taken..ah..do you always smile?
Richard: Yes, I think I usually try to smile for the camera..ah.. or else make a funny face
是的,我总是对着镜头微笑,或是做鬼脸 。
Todd: OK. Do you have pictures of yourself as a child?
Richard: Yes, I do. My mother sent me some pictures and I have some pictures as a baby, as a small child.
是的,我有 。我妈妈寄给我了一些,所以我有自己小时候的照片 。
Todd: OK. Were you a cute baby?
Richard: I think I was extremely cute. Bright blond hair. Still got blue eyes.
我小时候十分可爱 。明亮的金色头发,还有蓝色的眼睛 。
Todd: Oh!
Richard: I had much blonder hair than I have now.
比我现在的头发更贴近金色 。
Todd: Very nice. Very nice.
真棒 。
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