Todd: OK. Hello!
Steven: Hello, there!
Todd: How are you doing today?
Steven: Pretty good.
很好 。
Todd: Could you please introduce yourself!
Steven: Yeah! My name is Steven. And I come from the north of England.
好的 。我的名字叫史蒂文 。我来自英格兰北部 。
Todd: Oh, really! Where in the north of England?
Steven: A little village called Gawsworth.
一个名叫Gawsworth的小村庄 。
Todd: Mm-hm. Is it a big place?
Steven: No, it's about 10,000 people I think.
不大,大概有1万人口 。
Todd: Oh, really! Do you go back there often?
Steven: Not so often. The last time I went back was Christmas.
我不经常回去 。我上次回去是圣诞节 。
Todd: Oh, really! OK. Did you have a good time?
Steven: Yeah, it was very nice. I saw old friends and family and did the usual Christmas things.
我在那儿过得很好 。我见了朋友和家人,过了一个愉快的圣诞节 。
Todd: What actually are the usual Christmas things?
Steven: Oh, I guess, uh, a lot of eating and a lot of drinking and a lot of laughing. Just general fun and games I guess.
圣诞节,我们大快朵颐,畅饮豪饮,大声欢笑 。我们还有圣诞节的欢乐气氛和小游戏 。
Todd: How many of your family members still live in this town?
你还有多少家庭成员住在那里 。
Steven: Well they don't actually....my mum and dad live in the town...um, my brother and sister actually live pretty close to this town, so my family is all in that general area.
实际上他们都搬家了,我父母住在镇上,我的兄弟姐妹住得离镇子不远 。所以我家人都住在镇子附近 。
Todd: Oh, OK. Great. Thanks a lot Steven.
好的 。谢谢你,史蒂文 。
注:译文属可可英语原创,未经允许,请勿转载 。