Todd: I'm here with Rachel. We were talking about expiration dates. You were saying that you throw out your clothes regularly.
托德:今天我和蕾切尔来聊聊 。我们今天的话题是有效期限 。你之前说过你会定期清理衣服 。
Rachel: Fairly regularly.
蕾切尔:嗯,经常 。
Todd: Yeah. Do you donate them or just toss them?
托德:好 。你是会把衣服捐出去还是直接扔掉?
Rachel: I put them in the recycling.
蕾切尔:我把衣服放在回收箱里 。
Todd: There you go.
托德:做得好 。
Rachel: And hope they're going to be remade into something else.
蕾切尔:希望那些衣服能被改造成其他东西 。
Todd: Yeah, I guess, yeah I always take it out on the day that they'll say that they'll pick up clothes.
托德:嗯,我想会的,我经常在他们回收衣服那天把衣服拿出去 。
Rachel: Yeah. The reason for that is because I usually put, throw clothes out when they'll start to look a bit shabby, so I don't think anyone else wants to wear them.
蕾切尔:嗯 。我放在回收箱的原因是,我通常会在衣服看上去有些破旧以后才把衣服扔掉,我想不会有人想穿那种衣服的 。
Todd: Right.
托德:没错 。
Rachel: By that stage.
蕾切尔:那种程度的话 。
Todd: What about furniture? How often do you try to get new furniture?
Rachel: Almost never.
蕾切尔:我几乎从不买新家具 。
Todd: Yeah.
托德:好 。
Rachel: That's something I don't ... Yeah, I'll put up with what I've got.
蕾切尔:那是我……嗯,我可以忍受现有的家具 。
Todd: Yeah.
托德:好 。
Rachel: It seems like such a waste to throw out such large things.
蕾切尔:看起来扔掉大物件很浪费 。
Todd: Yeah, but you never want to replace the couch or the chair?
Rachel: The couch has been replaced three or four times.
蕾切尔:沙发已经换过三四次了 。
Todd: Right.
托德:好 。
Rachel: That's a big one, but we've still got the same kitchen table. We had got to get some new chairs.
蕾切尔:那个沙发很大,不过我们的厨房用桌没有换 。我们还买了几把新椅子 。
Todd: Yeah, I've never been a big furniture guy, but I just when I see something that's really cheap ... I would never buy new furniture. I'm always amazed like who buys new furniture? Because when you walk by a store and you see the furniture, it's so expensive. I'm gonna sound really cheap, but it's like I'm like, wow, why would you pay hundreds of dollars or thousands of dollars for that when you can just buy one used or whatever for ten bucks or twenty bucks?
托德:嗯,我从来不热衷于买家具,只是会在看到非常便宜的家具时有想法……我从来不买新家具 。我感到神奇的是,谁会买新家具?当你路过商店时,你会看到家具的价格非常贵 。听起来可能很便宜,但是我会想,哇哦,花10或20美元就能买到一件二手家具,你为什么要花几百甚至几千美元买新家具?
Rachel: I'm definitely a used furniture person now.
蕾切尔:我现在也开始买二手家具了 。
Todd: Yeah.
托德:好 。
Rachel: When we moved into our house we did go to a furniture store and bought all new furniture. It's easy. It's done. Everything looks new. It's kind of nice, but I almost exclusively buy second hand furniture now. Depending on which store you go to, you can get some really good bargains on some beautiful old antique, that look really nice in your house, and cost a fraction of something new.
蕾切尔:我们搬家时,去家具店把家具全部换新了 。这很简单 。很方便 。一切看上去都很新 。感觉很不错,不过我现在几乎只买二手家具 。这要看你去哪家店,有的店能以非常划算的价格买到漂亮的古董家具,摆在家里看起来也不错,而且只需花新家具价钱的一小部分 。
Todd: Yeah. That's why you like anything that's made with metal or wood because you usually think it's going to age well.
托德:对 。这就是人们喜欢金属或木制东西的原因,因为他们认为那种比较耐用 。
Rachel: Yes.
蕾切尔:对 。
Todd: Plastic, not so much.
托德:塑料就不太耐用 。
Rachel: No, no. I've definitely sworn off plastic. I think plastic's a fill in if you need something quickly.
蕾切尔:对,不耐用 。我决心不再买塑料制品 。我认为当你急需某样东西时,可以先用塑料代替 。
Todd: Yeah.
托德:对 。
Rachel: And cheaply, but definitely don't like to buy plastic now.
蕾切尔:而且塑料制品很便宜,不过现在我完全不想再买塑料制品了 。
Todd: What about electronic goods, like getting a new TV, a new refrigerator, stuff like that? How often do you buy?
Rachel: We just wait until that breaks down. That's a pretty easy one.
蕾切尔:我们会等到它们坏掉再换 。这很简单 。
Todd: What about the TV though? The TVs don't break down. They go on forever. How often do you think, oh I want a new TV, I want a new nicer TV?
托德:电视呢?电视基本不会坏 。它们一直能用 。你多久会产生“哦我想买台新电视,我想买台好电视”这种想法?
Rachel: Our last TV broke.
蕾切尔:我们上一台电视就坏了 。
Todd: It did?
Rachel: Well, we had lightening hit the house, and we lost several electronic items.
蕾切尔:对,闪电击中了我们的房子,我们损失了好几台电子产品 。
Todd: Wow.
托德:天哪 。
Rachel: We lost a keyboard, and a computer. I think we lost two out of ... We had three hard disc DV players.
蕾切尔:我们损失了一个键盘、一台电脑 。我们有三台硬盘播放机,其中两台坏了 。
Todd: It was an electrical surge that fried all the circuits?
Rachel: It fried the house, yeah pretty much.
蕾切尔:烧坏了房子,非常严重 。
Todd: Wow. I did not know that could happen.
托德:天啊 。我不知道还会发生这种事 。
Rachel: Yeah.
蕾切尔:嗯 。
1. throw out 扔掉,丢掉(废弃物);
I asked him not to throw out that old table, but he did it anyway.
我告诉他不要扔了那个旧桌子,但他到底还是扔了 。
2. put up with 忍受;容忍;
I can pu t up with the house being untidy, but I hate it if it's not clean.
我能忍受房子凌乱,但我讨厌它不清洁 。
3. swear off 下决心不做;
I've decided to swear off smoking.
我已宣布戒烟了 。
4. break down (机器或车辆)出毛病,损坏;
He loses his way, furthermore, his car break down.
他迷了路,而且汽车坏了 。