Todd: So, Katia and Fred, we're going to talk about your dance school.
托德:卡蒂亚,弗雷德,我们来聊聊你们二人的舞蹈学校 。
Katia: OK.
卡蒂亚:好的 。
Todd: So, first can you explain where your dance school is and what it is?
Fred: OK, Todd. Well, we have a school that's called International School of Dance, where we teach belly dance and Latin American dance, which mainly consists of Salsa, merengue, bachata, and it is located in Beppu, Japan.
弗雷德:好的,托德 。我们的舞蹈学校叫做国际舞蹈学校,我们会教肚皮舞还有萨尔萨舞、默朗格舞、巴恰塔舞等拉丁舞,我们的舞蹈学校在日本别府 。
Todd: So, when did you think of this idea for...?
Katia: We thought about it maybe a month, a month ago. Not long ago. Right the next day, or right away, Fred was already working on everything, so we just gave some e-mails, were doing this, and what about this, and so everything he started right away and we actually had an integration for the school maybe almost three weeks ago, and since we opened the following day we already are teaching.
卡蒂亚:我们大概在一个月想到的这个主意 。不是很长时间以前 。第二天,或者说有这个想法以后弗雷德马上就去做准备了,我们只是发邮件谈到这个想法,然后弗雷德马上就开始着手进行了,三个星期以前我们的舞蹈学校开业,开业第二天我们就开始教课了 。
Todd: Already.
托德:已经开始上课了 。
Fred: So, we have something close to twenty students in three weeks of the school opening.
弗雷德:在学校开业的这三个礼拜里我们招收了近20名学生 。
Todd: That's pretty fast.
托德:进展好快啊 。
Fred: Yeah. It is very, very fast.
弗雷德:对,非常快,很快 。
Katia: Yes. I think we are surprised.
卡蒂亚:这令我们很吃惊 。
Todd: So, why did you choose those two dances: belly dance, right, and salsa?
Katia: I think mainly because this is what people are interested in right now and it's something that a lot of people can learn and it's popular and of course I can teach this kind of dance so of course.
卡蒂亚:主要原因是现在人们对这两个舞种感兴趣,而且这两种舞蹈既适合大部分人学习,也很受欢迎,当然还有个原因是我能教这两种舞蹈 。
Todd: So, you're saying that belly dance is popular?
Katia: Yes, it is. Yes, it is.
卡蒂亚:对,很流行,很受欢迎 。
Todd: I had no idea.
托德:我不了解这个 。
Katia: It's very popular, and especially around women. It's something that gives a certain feeling to the woman so it's of course you workout. You use your body movements, but also there's a special feeling about doing belly dance so it's popular.
卡蒂亚:肚皮舞非常受欢迎,尤其受女性的欢迎 。跳肚皮舞会让女性有一种特别的感觉,而且还可以起到健身的效果 。肚皮舞使身体动起来,而且还会产生一种特别的感觉,所以很受欢迎 。
Todd: Could you kind of explain a little bit more? Like, what do you mean it has a special feeling? Like, this dance has special... I don't know, uses special muscles or...
Katia: No, not exactly like that. Of course the music has to do a lot with it. When you hear a Latin music, you feel different and you move different. When you hear Oriental music, then you have completely a different posture and for example, as a woman, you will tend to take a different posture. Your body will be different depending on the music. With belly dance, your body posture is very different, that for somehow, some reason... and maybe because of the history of belly dance, it's very related to femininity, being feminine and dancing.
卡蒂亚:不是,并不是那样的 。当然和音乐有很大关系 。拉丁音乐会让你有特别的感觉,身体的动作也会不同 。而配合东方音乐的舞蹈动作则完全不同,举例来说,女性会做出不一样的姿势 。你的身体会依据音乐的不同而做出不同的动作 。因为某种原因肚皮舞的姿势与众不同,可能是因为肚皮舞的历史与女性气质有关,所以舞蹈展现出女性的感觉 。
1. consist of 由…组成;由…构成;
例句:Each group shallconsist ofnot less than ten.
每个小组至少由十人组成 。
2. right away 立刻;立即;马上;
例句:Right awayhe rapped to what it was.
他顿时醒悟到那是怎么一回事 。
3. close to 近的;接近的;
例句:She is buying a flatclose toher office.
她正在购买一套靠近她办公室的单元房 。
4. be interested in 感兴趣的;有兴趣的;关心的;
例句:Heismoreinterested inthe turf than in working.
他对赛马比对工作更有兴趣 。
5. for example 例如;比如;
例句:I know many women who have a career and a family Alisonfor example.
我知道有许多妇女能事业家庭兼顾--艾莉森就是其中之一 。
6. depend on 取决(于);有赖(于);
例句:Healthdepend ongood food, fresh air and enough sleep.
健康依靠的是良好的食物,新鲜的空气和充足的睡眠 。
7. be related to 涉及;关于;
例句:These two eventswere related toeach other.
这两个事件相互有联系 。